I’ll never buy from them again. #fuckai
I’ll never buy from them again. #fuckai
Hyper Light Drifter is one of my favorite games ever. Its nice to see it getting attention.
I don’t think so. Things seem to be leaning more toward the “stuff spontaneously comes from nothing” end of the spectrum as far as I know. Pre-universe causality makes no sense if our understanding of the universe’s origin is true. I’m personally OK with accepting that things don’t necessarily happen for a reason.
Kinda sounds like it would be the same kind of thing that brought forth the whole “alpha male” thing.
It didn’t try to do shit. Its a fucking computer. It does what you tell it to do and what you’ve told it to do is autocomplete based on human content. Miss me with this shit. Theres so much written fiction based on this premise.
Duuuuuude. This is a blast from the past. I had a Pizza Hut PS1 cd with a bunch of demos on it and Sled Storm was one of them. It has such a great physics feel for back then. I loved that game.
Yikes. I don’t know whether to laugh or cringe at this 😬
Best thing to do to make sure you enjoy playing the instrument is to take it to your local guitar shop for a setup. If it’s not set up well it takes much more pressure to fret the notes cleanly and it can be painful both on your finger tips and the muscles in your hand.
Get a setup so its comfortable to play and you’ll be able to play much longer.
AFAIK the IPs used by VPN providers are getting flagged and blocked by certain sites in an attempt to force you off of the VPN so they can suck up your data. I’m sure there are other reasons too.
Even if this is true, you don’t need to be such an ass about it. 🙄
Grandma’s not gonna need a unique suffix and if she does she’ll likely be the kind of person who can figure out how to get it done. Not everyone needs advanced functionality, just like not everyone needs a blue check.
I’m not trying to argue against your concerns but IMO you’re making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Mario Tennis and Mario Golf are awesome
You got backup from me too. Its the only subscription in our home.
You can spin up your own instance to ensure you have a custom username suffix. That’s literally all anyone needs to distinguish themselves from fake accounts. Trusting any org to remain a neutral authority is a mistake and a bigger risk than getting users to agree on an accurate source based on a suffix.
This is 100% the answer. My filter list is exhaustive and its curated a feed for me that doesn’t actively destroy my mental health.
Lots of tightwad-ass responses in here. What a bummer. Its a silly question that should have silly responses, folks. Lighten up.
For some reason, all my cars have received female gendered references. I think its that way for a lot of folks. I have a feeling some movie or show popularized the concept at some point and it just took off from there. Maybe it was westerns with how riders talk to their horses and stuff? I don’t know. Sounds like an interesting rabbit hole though.
Damn. Congratulations are in order. I can definitely go on a multi-day stretch if allowed, but eventually I need a break. Not a long break, mind you.
Sex every day? Damn. My libido can be wild but that’s next level.
Particle Fever is one of my favourite docs of all time.