It’s doable if we all become Borg, but not really otherwise
Aspiring polymath. Applied R&D @ Privacy and Scaling Explorations #maker #Ethereum🦇🔊🐼🐍🟨🦀 Trying to make the internet better. Opinions are my own and subject to change
It’s doable if we all become Borg, but not really otherwise
There’s a lot of a jobs that depend on other people, or significant concentration, or weather/sunlight where this isn’t at all feasible. Interesting answer though, I also thought along the same lines when I was in my 20s but now I would hate that schedule
Being for profit as a legal entity doesn’t necessarily mean they will exploit every angle they can to make a profit. When a company has to answer to shareholders, like when they go public or sell private share to raise capital, that’s when it becomes a real issue. It really depends on their bylaws and who’s running the organization otherwise.
Sometimes that door is locked and not everyone wants to bother with checking
“Where are they getting money to pay for sponsorships and what are their motivations”
Just some background on the cryptography going on:
Its a hash of a fingerprint of your iris that isn’t used for access, it’s used for Sybil resistance, which is a bit different. You wouldn’t use this to prove you are eligible to vote, only that you haven’t voted already for a specific election.
Under the hood, the iris scanning ball thing is just adding you to a membership registry. When you actually go to use your membership, you are generating a semaphore proof, which is a zero knowledge proof that you are in the registry with some nullification output so you can only participate in certain events some number of times (like voting once). You wouldn’t use this by itself to prove that you are eligible to vote.
Generating secret keys from public data (iris)
These aren’t exactly secret keys, but, yes, I agree. Also the Minority Report vibes weird me out.
They use a grounded faraday cage around it. Video on it where he touched on that
You know! ❤️
Torx for anything that needs to be torqued or used with power tools, Robertson (square) for anything intended to be used with hand tools or more finer work (a screwdriver)
Right, field maintenance, especially when you don’t have access to tools is a bit of an exception. Personally I think using take down pins for guns is the way to go for field maintenance anyway.
Lol absolutely, stripped screws are the worst
Lol I think it would just be 3 am or 9pm depending on which way you are talking
Ya Ikea standardized on hex because it’s cheap to mass produce. It definitely strips though.
Torx has slowly been gaining popularity in the US for a decade or two now, but sadly Phillips is still pretty popular and hex is pretty common also, you will see the square/Robertson screws a lot in electrical panels and in cabinetry but not super common at the hardware store.
The way I see it, anything with a square bit can be done by with a hand held screw driver, and anything with a torx bit should probably be torqued to a certain amount and/or be used with a screw gun. Square/Robertson bits are used super often in things like electrical panels and electronics. They are becoming pretty common for cabinetry also. I doubt you’ll see a torx screw in cabinets.
Square (Robertson) and/or torx depending on application. Square should be for everyday things and torx should be for anything mechanical, yes I know there is a big gray area in the middle there, but flat head, phillips, and hex need to go.
Can we get rid of timezones and switch to UTC please
Can we all agree that flathead should be outlawed and Phillips needs to get phased out with a quickness
Why are there so many fasteners 8min :
I don’t think he will actually be able to pull this off. All federal agencies use USPS because they are govt employees, there are tons and tons of policies written about what has to be sent using USPS. Sure he probably could try to do this, but I imagine he will get a fair bit of pushback internally
I just switched, looks like uber is working for me
It’s scary how much old tv media sways public conversation…and how incompetent they are