I think the big reason they are allowing it is because they got to cut the entire cost of having moderation with an external vendor. Not because they have an agenda or anything. Its pure dollars.
I think the big reason they are allowing it is because they got to cut the entire cost of having moderation with an external vendor. Not because they have an agenda or anything. Its pure dollars.
And now he is basically another misinformation hub like Murdoch Media. Weirdly also with M’s… Musk Media.
I reckon energy companies should be responsible for industrial sized storage to make better use of the feed in but I hear you.
We’re also contemplating batteries because the amount you get paid to feed solar in isn’t like for like with usage. 25c cost vs 3c feed in.
I prefer Zulip but because we have Teams we use teams.
It’s the worst and has been running like total crap for years. Even Skype for business worked better. Luckily it is better than Cisco Jabber or Webex.
Paul Allen had no kids so you could just say one of Bill Gates’ daughters.
Not in USA FYI, but this is why tenders use lawyers.
Yeah but donations can help make procurement tenders slightly in favour of donors. Or get inside scoop so they have time to be ready.
Another reason to use Firefox?
I’d use pairdrop over this so I don’t need to install it on all my devices.
She was probably as anxious and playing it cool.
The other thing is SIDS, if the baby can’t lift their head from a suffocation position they suffocate.
We have ours sleep in a cosleep crib beside the bed so you get the closeness and can make contact in the night.
I really wish it were the case. The quest is easily outselling PSVR. Mostly because some models don’t even need a PC to work.
5 million according to Sony vs 20 million sold by Meta.
Yeah the active users on the Fedipact servers is pitiful. Goes to show its not a huge group but a noisy one. Why can’t we just give everyone a fair go and if they suck worry about blocking then?
Also gives me a list of instances I’d never heard of probably because the activity is so small.
Sony really needs to push the VR thing but they also let Meta get ahead in that game also
The argument of security is bunk, Apple are integrating the more widely used RCS protocol into iMessage. It’ll mean they won’t need their own bespoke protocol either. Besides Apple is known for calling stuff security changes when really they rely on obscurity to not notice how insecure components are such as the method iMessage uses to authenticate now.
When done other apps for messaging will explode in commonality and blow the case open. They just need to finish implementing it.
The engineers would die of old age before they even caught up to it.
I don’t think so. Zuck never cared about people, he’s cut-throat, egotistical and money/power focussed. He wouldn’t take the time for thinking about insulting the little people (non-millionaires). He’s done it to encourage more users to use the platform and create disputes/content which is cold hard cash to him. Remember when they experimented with users by showing them content that would trigger them to make them interact?