I’m using Linux on servers and for self hosting, but Linux on a desktop is a sick joke.
I’m using Linux on servers and for self hosting, but Linux on a desktop is a sick joke.
They’re already good with Android.
Americans should fix their legal system so consumers cannot be abused. There are so much news from the US about warranty issues from literally every manufacturer and yet there are no issues like that in Europe. You can’t boycott everything, fix your laws instead.
Ok, second generation nouveau rich. Old money are people who were aristocrats 1,000+ years ago. Elon had to work and still works like every other worker. Old money don’t know what work is for centuries. The gap between the poor and Musk is about the same as between Musk and some old duke family from England.
I can definitely imagine your braincells being used to mine my crypto!
And now imagine old money in Europe. For example, the British aristocracy owns at least 30% of land in England (that’s the official number, but Land Registry doesn’t have information about who owns 15% of land at all and it is most likely owned by aristocracy as well). And England has a leasehold system. So if Blackrock would come to a king or some lord to buy some of their land, the land would be sold to them easily as a long term lease, for like 100+ years. And then Blackrock would also pay yearly rent on top of that. Because you ain’t buying shit here, dirty peasant.
Another thing to keep in mind is that old money here have their wealth for over a thousand years. They’re not simply entrenched, they’re a part of the fabric of the country itself. They have all kinds of exceptions in the laws and regulations and exist above everyone else not only in social status, but also in economic and political status as well.
People can hate the rich as much as they want, but there’s a layer in the society which doesn’t care about the existence of the rich and the poor. And they are all related to each other through centuries of strategic marriages, so basically one incredibly large family spread across the whole of Europe.
We’re not talking about concepts here, but about laws. Free speech does not apply in this case.
He’s not entrenched, lol. He’s a first generation nouveau riche. Basically a peasant with some bells and whistles.
The funny thing is that people always forget about old money - people who don’t know what work is or what actual money is. And who see billionaires as just mere peasants.
That’s a typical genocidal lefty for you.
I find it funny that people who think like that are from countries like the US and UK where you can live without an ID/passport your whole life. Identity theft in such countries is very common, while it’s pretty much impossible in Estonia. You should be afraid of living without a digital state and a passport in your pocket.
DDoS attacks are performed by botnets. What is a botnet? Well, you know about viruses etc, right? Your PC gets infected and it becomes a part of the botnet. Now police do the investigation, they look up IPs and they see YOUR IP and come to YOUR house. See what the problem is?
And, frankly, your PC doesn’t even have to be infected to become a part of an attack. There are plenty of hacked web sites, which still look like nothing has changed, but they will contain a hidden JavaScript code which will force your browser to flood the victim. Again, the police will only find YOU.
The argument is that no one reads books anymore. Most media consumed today is in modern video and audio formats like YouTube and podcasts. You shouldn’t compare paper books to ebooks, you should compare them to views on YouTube.
He’s just racist, ignore him.
Seriously? The article author admits they’re doing illegal shit and break CF TOS and CF is inherently damaging? You ok, mate?
The irony here is that the article author confirms that they break TOS of CF and he still has a Pikachu face. Reddit discussion is pretty positive that CF is right in their decision and that new provider will shut them down at some time as well.
No, you’re trying to divert. My point was that private public transport works and it works well and there’s proof for that. Everything you say is irrelevant to the topic.
What are you talking about? Have you ever been to Europe? Do you understand that your studies and wall texts are irrelevant?
No, it’s not.