What are you going on about? He was banned for trolling, and standard SOP for most mods dealing with trolls is to delete all their content (with a single click).
What are you going on about? He was banned for trolling, and standard SOP for most mods dealing with trolls is to delete all their content (with a single click).
Not really, was banned for being an incoherent troll
Ultimately, any country that is not willing to conscript their population when necessary to do so for defense, will soon cease to be a country. It is an evil, but a necessary evil. Place the blame where it belongs, on the aggressors.
I think the question here is how much translation can be auto-done if you don’t have any memory of it to begin with. If it takes you any significant amount of time, that’s probably not worth it.
Assuming standard data storage, you’ve got 1024 chars
No, they are not locked up because they’re a danger to society. They’re locked up because possessing CP is indirectly contributing to the abuse of the child involved.
I can’t disagree that they’re pretty famous. And apparently they are starring in a porn video. So…
Wrong. Every pedo in prison is one WHO HAS ALREADY ABUSED A CHILD, whether directly or indirectly. There is an argument to be made, and some studies that show, that dealing with Minor Attracted People before they cross the line can be effective. Unfortunately, to do this we need to be able to have a logical and civil conversation about the topic, and the current political climate does not allow for that conversation to be had. The consequence is that preventable crimes are not being prevented, and more children are suffering for it in the long run.
Honestly, given it’s only once or twice a year, I’d say you should just regard the entire trip as part of the job and socialise as expected. It’s hard to say more without knowing the details of your job env and career goals, but they’re obviously expecting it and it might affect your standing within your team.
2 night outs in a week is too much IMO
It’s not a regular thing, OP works remote and sees his team like a few times a year, or less.
Some insightful comments from the last time it was posted:
Well duh. It takes a ninja to sense a ninja. Visit your local dojo to learn more!
If you’re aware enough, you can feel one landing on you. Easier to do if you’re aware there’s one in the room and you try to focus. No real way for them to evolve around that.
Many of the more modern and realistic takes have it caused by an organism that’s gone endemic. Meaning anything or anybody that dies changes, regardless of if they were bitten. This provides a constant source of new zombies. In addition to the fact that other survivors are usually a bigger threat than the zombies themselves.
All 3 of the ones I mod would really welcome more contributors.
It’s also incredible how good some of them are, and how divided the feedback can get.
The internet being what it is, I’d be more surprised if there wasn’t already a website set up somewhere with a malicious robots.txt file to screw over ANY crawler regardless of providence.
Be a mod. Deal with trolls on a regular basis. At some point you too with have absolutely no desire to scroll through their history filled with insults and ragebait to judge each and every comment individually. Confirmed troll? Check. Nuke all comments from said user. Done.