Let me guess. America?
Let me guess. America?
Organize the working class
What do you mean? Do you not believe in it? haha people are so stupid /s
First, factory lights only account for a small fraction of the power consumed and second people sleep at night. And third, it doesn’t matter what the electricity costs if you don’t have enough coal/oil/gas.
They turn most of their lights off at night to preserve power. They don’t really have energy resources themselves and it is very difficult for them to get foreign currencies. They are still a poor country but considering that they are the most sanctioned country in the history of sanctions they are doing about at well as they can.
What’s wrong with the DPRK? The only source that life there is terrible are defector’s testimonies, which contradict each other on a daily basis and where the worst, most emotional stories are rewarded with fame and money. Often it’s the only way to make ends meats for them. If you come to the south from the north you are a nobody.
Furthermore, the DPRK has never threatened anyone. They have a 100% literacy rate (literally on the CIA website) and every citizen is guaranteed free healthcare, free education and a place to live. They use all of their arible land for food production but because of the sanctions and their mountainous terrain sometimes they have scarcities, but no one is starving. Their constitution is full of human and political rights and social gurantees.
And to proof that I don’t shill for any country calling itself socialist, I don’t like China at all (while still thinking that they are at least better for the world than the US).
And of course there are things to criticize the DPRK for, like the lack of LGBT rights and their weapons exports and hackergroups. But considering the sanctions (that even China upholds) they are in very dier need of foreign currency.
I would also encourage everybody to study the history of Korea.
Not so fast. While it is certainly questionable what they are doing and I personally don’t like China either, the Uyghur situation is complicated and Bad Empanada made a detailed analysis of the situation while trying to be unbiased. Most of what we see (or rather saw since the trend kind of died) in western media is very exxagerated and there were reasons that had little to do with ethnicity.
You can watch it here, it’s very long but worth it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz9ICFDk8Js
Thanks for reminding me that this exists. My mind is blown again
I would say both sides are fascist Libya is the best example for Nato fascism. They nationalised the oil to benefit the people and stop western cooperations from pillaging them and got invaded by Nato forces to go from one of the most prosperous countries in Africa to a failed state with an open air slave market. Had nothing to do with human rights. And Ukraine has a Nazi problem. Not a reason to invade of course (I hate the Russian government too) but just reality.
Invasion of Libya, bombing of Yugoslavia
Maybe Windows Cortana? idk I don’t speak proprietary
This is exactly my humor
Orange is the time spent looking at every single object in your house to make sure you forgor 💀 nothing
We have all the solutions but we need more class consciousness
Power to the people ☭
Yeah I’m wondering about that. Like nearly everyone would agree with BLM and war bad right? I get that you need defense with other imperialistic Countries around but war is still terrible. Maybe it’s the Israeli occupation thats controversial, but if you look at history it’s pretty clear that Israel is just stealing land bit by bit.
Things that benefit the working class: Labor protection, minium wages, free education, etc. Without these things greater profits would be made. And every capitalist country slowly removes these benefits until major uprisings.