Legit haven’t touched windows in 5 years, I don’t know my way around it
Aka toast
Na, not right now
Do you have a top 5 list of things you hated?
That’s kinda where I’m sitting
I get where you’re going but how many coffees does it take to kill a person vs how many beers
I’m surprised they didn’t mention that every browser is just re skinned safari
Bless your heart ❤️
I wanted you to know that I laughed and enjoyed this comment, ignore the haters 💛
My users don’t run into problems, before Roku was annoying
Wild guess, Nvidia GPU?
The Adam’s family has a character named “The Thing” that’s just a sentient hand.
LEGO included a LEGO hand
I hear my voice(as if I’m talking to myself), but it sounds like you mean another voice?
That’s sad but at the same time, their QC wasn’t that great, I had a ring fall off of one and the entire back fall off the other.
Chad, he’s such a chad