China is a big place stuffed with folks.there are a lot more Chinese people doing whatever than most lol
China is a big place stuffed with folks.there are a lot more Chinese people doing whatever than most lol
I feel like Russia is further right than the US.
There’s also the police that are basically ready to go now. I wonder how ham the military would let the police and brown shirts go before stepping in. I’m guessing very very ham.
He’s got four years to shake any of the disloyalty out of military ranks. There is no reason at all to think he won’t be president until he dies. The other side of that, of course, is that he’s very old.
I feel fairly certain he’s accomplished the downfall of the US, but not at all certain he has the wherewithal to follow through. The real question will be how the general population handles the passing of the baton.
Cheap protein. Generally the cheapest protein in the store.
It’s probably just ADHD
I’m pretty sure he’ll be president until he dies lol. Then we’ll get stuck with one of his kids.
I don’t really know what they’re trying to achieve lol. I feel like it’s probably vaguely racist, like: anti-anti-racist 😕… Or something.
Maybe just an excuse for the plebes to blame someone for life getting generally more difficult?
A terrible company, but some of the best marketing
I have one of these. I just relived the whole thing and the shame of it all over again.
In my mind I like to think of what I should have said: the exact tone and more than enough information to comfort that poor lost family that I sent in the wrong direction.
It could grip it by the husk.
I thought Red No. 5 was the bad one. I feel like I remember that from somewhere.
Give me just a couple of minutes in either direction, I’m golden.
I don’t really eat there much, but I’ve heard that it’s significantly cheaper to eat there if you use the app.
My hankys.
Well, if you put it like that… Yeah. But if you think about it as the first step in overthrowing a corrupt government and instituting a thousand years reign of our party…
Who knows, we’ve had awful presidents before, or maybe were witnessing the end of an era.
I didn’t follow all that, but the Clash is the only band that matters.
Just put ten parts milk in there with some sugar and you’ll never know.
I’m pretty sure that is you don’t believe China is a literal hell, you’re a tankie. Though, I think tankies are the feminist your uncle always warned you about tbh