When he came to be indicted in Miami, he was expecting fans and supporters everywhere. Nobody cared enough to show up except street vendors. Speaks volumes to me.
When he came to be indicted in Miami, he was expecting fans and supporters everywhere. Nobody cared enough to show up except street vendors. Speaks volumes to me.
It’s probably regional. In Tennessee, within an infantry unit, you might see some support but not total. In suburban areas only a few supporters. Regardless, they risk losing their pay if they turn traitorous which means it won’t happen.
If you don’t know what project 2025 is you’re either embarrassingly uninformed of intentionally ignorant
I’ll just go to the evidence tree where they leave confessions to everything they do. I’m sure they’ll leave a nice summary wrapped in a bow for you.
Or you could read a summary of project 2025
The wealthy instigate the entire culture war and manufacture the propaganda behind it. The wealthy even plan to leave the country for us to kill each other.
The AppleBee level of service
I’ve subscribed to the theory white supremacists backed by Christian Nationalist Billionaires have fueled this entire conflict and culture war.
First the pedophiles infiltrated the church, then the White Supremacy movement saw how easy it was and joined in.
Purely speculative other then project 2025 as proof
Laws selectively enforced. We have Trump supporters threatening violence without repercussions. It’s ludicrous.
24/7 propaganda cycle pushed on all the media conservatives consume
If Putin is incontinent from his cancer treatments he probably has more on his mind, like losing to Ukraine or dying.
It won’t be a joke if he gets elected. Nobody will be laughing.
I’ll only believe it when he’s in jail. Which there is a possibility of now. Has anyone noticed he is scowling in every picture the past few months? He thinks since his mug shot he is Al Capone or something. It seems in almost every picture I can remember he’s smiling ear to ear, like a pig in shit. He’s a snake oil conman not a gangster
Currently 3 lines @ $120 monthly family plan. Called to switch to two lines but it would be more expensive. Fuck T-Mobile
IMHO if you’re being financially compensated in any way you are a mercenary.
Who knows, could be anyone for any reason
I offered a plausible explanation never did I suggest it was THE reason. Near zero chance we will ever know
Who knows, how in The world would I know
Israel attacking Palestine again possibly
I think we’ve seen from recent Republican races the polls are way off, especially support for his brand.