Average Jose
There really is no justice in this country
Only half? Haha ok
Ha ha nice. I’m straight
Who’s making it worse? Was it the boomers who skyrocketed the price of everything, deadlocked the political system in the country so no change to the status quo could be made, or is it the youth who are misguided by those who should be their protectors?
I think you’ll find less misogyny, body shaming, and entitlement among the youth either way.
I think gen-z are the cool new improvement to millennials
I’m fr curious if this can work. If it does, it seems beyond impossible to find a 25 year old college woman who would even want to marry
It looks even more punchable now
Dial L for Luigi
How can you be so wrong, yet so right?
I coulda told you that for free. And sooner
Bruce Willis would disagree
Oml can’t stand that shet polluting the airwaves
I dunno man. I don’t have a lot of faith in the american public
100% Killing one pos CEO doesn’t fix the problem. Large company’s are already talking about beefing up security for their ceos. Like will it even matter?
I’m thinking of sam rami spider man
Beat me to it. Yeah they have 4k LEDs with ARC
Nice username
“BrInG bACk MAdE iN aMEriCA!”
Everything going according to plan, huh?