One Piece: the Shonen manga where the boss of all queer people is an awsome revolutionary working to overthrow a reprehensible racist and classist regime. Oda was always a visionary
One Piece: the Shonen manga where the boss of all queer people is an awsome revolutionary working to overthrow a reprehensible racist and classist regime. Oda was always a visionary
Believibg in the power of cooperation is already communism in some circles…
25% is an abnormally large number considering the current techonological inability to the same thing as a human could. In my experience current “AI” is mostly useful for very specific tasks with very narrow guidelines.
I love asparagus soup, so probably that one.
I also stink, much like asparagus.
Pawn takes Bishop
diarrhea of the mouth
There is a word for that: Logorrhea
It’s a bit more complicated than that. Palestine doesn’t have a strong democratic tradition to begin with. Additionally, Hamas is only governing Gaza, not the West Banks. Hamas also suppresses secular Freedom organizations. And ~50% of the people in Gaza wouldnt even be able to vote out Hamas since they are under 18. Then we have the case of Hamas indoctrination, which finds fertile soil in the impoverished and destitute Gaza youth.
All of that isn’t to say I support Hamas. I am quite vocal in my disdain for them. But Israel plays a significant part in their success. So does Iran. And let’s not forget that the religious right has been torpedoing a resolution aswell, not just the Jihadist organization Hamas. Rabin wasn’t killed by a palestinian hardliner.
The attacks weren’t perpetrated by a free Palestinian people or some recognized advocacy group, but by an extremist wing of the Muslim Brotherhood that has been pushed by Israel for decades.
It might mot be hard, but it’s still a nightmare
Hamas IS bad. They repress secular movements for a free palestine. We shouldn’t forget tho, that is the role Israel intends for them.
Hamas is Jihadist and extremist. It would have been a fatal mistake for Israel to support them to undermine the secular movement for a free palestine. Trying to position Hamas between international support and the palestinian people sounds like a really cynical and bad idea.
There is no way the hard right in Israel would ever pursue such an agenda.right?
You forgot about the Ford Focus bullying the Audi off of the left lane.
“Was is’n des für ein Kombi? Der macht ja voll Terror!”
Close the grave again.
10% is reserved for Pedalo.
I wish i could extinguish every trace of fascism in every aspect of reality. I really do. Stupid Nazis are hindering me from enjoying old german folk songs without being judged :(
That’s… pretty stupid tbh. One of the most indicative signs of alcoholism is loss of control. Enjoying a certain type of beer once in a while is not that. Or do you think entire nations in central europe are alcoholics?
It really wouldnt tho. There is a huge segmebt of C-Suite guys who are unashamedly going for that bag, no matter what happens to the company or its products once they are gone. This guy is one of the more prolific assholes of that sort.
It’s a movie reference. Specifically it references “The Lord of the Rings: The return of the King” at the end of the battle of Minas Tirith. It is said by Gimli, as a response to Legolas slaying a Mumak (giant war elephant).
I’m sorry i don’t have a timestamp.
Edit: It’s 2:50:49ish in the extended edition
How is liking spreadsheets connected to autistic spectrum disorder? (Im being genuine here)