With the settlement money they are about to get ripped up for I’m sure they could.
With the settlement money they are about to get ripped up for I’m sure they could.
The proton client for Linux has improved recently. I use it on PopOS. As to your first point I agree. I landed with Proton specifically because it was cheaper to do it and email rather than separate services.
To have one ready out of the box with linux maybe look at the System76 offerings? https://system76.com/
Edit: just got a chance to check and they are slightly above your $1000 criteria. So maybe on his recommendation.
As a counterpoint, I’m specifically keeping passwords with a separate service out of concern in having a single point of failure for the majority of my online persona. I do pay for proton unlimited but mostly for VPN, simple login, and email.
Bum gun is superior to bidet. Change my mind.
Saxx solves this (and I think a few other brands) by giving your balls a pouch. Super comfortable and adds the comfort of boxers.
Ubuntu broke with my Nvidia card. I went to PopOS and the problems stopped.
How has your experience been with the softmaker alternative to excel? Do all the functions translate well? I just took a peak at their site and it looks dramatically better than libreoffice but I’d never heard of it before.
Those are the good providers. If there were another good provider and this is being done with intent than they will just block that domain as well. I use a custom domain with proton, I think that would protect against this but maybe some folks more engaged could chime in before you take that as advice.
So COVID was like Uber sploosh?
What bank offers this?
I tossed Mint on a VM briefly and really disliked it. Specifically finding the terminal was painful. Did they bury it pretty deep or did I just overlook it?