Free as in beer
Free as in beer
Floppy distros were all the rage. Here’s another one, still got a few floppies of it floating around the lab!
Somebody wants a 0day for x-mas :)
Security Tools Distribution :)
Linux STD! Waaaay before skiddos had backtrack or kali
Sounds like a good way to get a Superbowl ring design embossed in your face.
I’d rather watch ads than this kid.
Wal-Mart had redhat 5 on sale and the xplane screenshot on the back handled the rest.
The ability to see and manipulate emf.
Then come fucking stop me
Gravity is an unproven hypothesis.
The VNC server they previously bundled with raspberry pi os is not compatible with Wayland.
Sounds like what happened when Windows 8 came out. Oops I meant Windows Vista. My bad, I’m thinking of Windows Me. Sorry, I might have it confused with NT 3. Everyone loved Windows 2.0 right?
I’ve had the same thing happen in person a few times. Some places just won’t tell you what they pay unless you can get an interview.
Since corporations are people now, it is.
Churches backing and funding politicians.
Mandarin Orange Slice
This is pre-installed on my 6a, also purchased outright, unlocked, directly from Google in the US.