*glances over at my newpipe subscription list*
Yeah, I think you’re right
*glances over at my newpipe subscription list*
Yeah, I think you’re right
Source on the quote?
It’s so apt for our time @.@
Just because I wanted to read more about it
This is the way
Some routers have DNS settings other than choosing a DNS provider? :0 What does setting this up look like generally?
I understand snopes tries to be objective, but I watched it and still think the kid did it.
This is the way. Every act of blind compliance helps validate doge’s shenanigans.
Idc what snopes says about inconclusive; I saw and heard in the vids exactly what you did, lmao
Everyone with the new LED headlights that feel painfully illegal in my eye sockets - they are the bane of my morning commute.
A 2022 US dept of agriculture publication, the overview: “This report provides a detailed look at the impact of retaliatory [2018] tariffs by State and commodity and estimates the direct export losses associated with the trade conflict.” Added 2018 for context
Takes two clicks to get to the summary. I can’t tell what the US even won out of the war, but looks like we lost damn bigly. And are pushing the same tarrifs again 💀
Funny, someone shared an article in another post about all corporate money going to Delaware, https://www.icij.org/inside-icij/2022/06/delaware-is-everywhere-how-a-little-known-tax-haven-made-the-rules-for-corporate-america/
Imagine pulling up to the car meet LAN party with this
When the real news is in the comment section
Thank you
Were you able to move on from the interim fix with “safe graphics” btw?
I’m stopping by only at this time cause I came in from your “get better at [arch]” post.
Have you checked if your BIOS has some proprietary stuff that restricts it to use only particular hardware? If nah, ignore me, my bad.
Not the same situation but similar - I bought a former school desktop pc & had blank display issues. The pc wouldn’t accept using a different hdmi cable other than the first one I’d ever booted it up with - and even then, it would hang on the mobo logo. No one said turning off secure boot was a fix, but suggested it often enough that I checked the bios anyway. Lo and behold, there were multiple proprietary “security” features (not secure boot) in the bios that only allowed the pc to connect to approved devices or networks. Makes sense for a school/business. I didn’t care to find out how to whitelist “approved devices”, so I just turned off all the BIOS’s fancy security features.
rm -rf /
make computer faster
(͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
Just posturing is right. Why not in 5 years? Why wait til we can almost name a new generation of adults?