The rest of us are mostly automated. Checking your return against a W2 and a couple of bank 1099s is easy.
Chasing down tax dodging through a web of pass through entities is not.
The rest of us are mostly automated. Checking your return against a W2 and a couple of bank 1099s is easy.
Chasing down tax dodging through a web of pass through entities is not.
No, because that saying is false.
He helped cause this situation. Doing the [barest minimum you can even consider the] right thing after it’s too late doesn’t change the fact that he did the wrong thing for years before this. And will go right back to that wrong thing the moment he thinks he can get away with it
Fascist says what
Never had there been a more obvious admission of guilt
How DARE he do his job! What an outrage. Heaven forbid criminals are investigated.
It’s literally what gives him his power. If he didn’t own such a large portion of Tesla, he’d not have been able to buy his way into looting our government
Doesn’t matter. They immediately forgot the 2018 Trump slump, and the covid economic disaster he made worse. Republicans have been continuously proving how terrible they are for the economy for over half a century, and voters won’t take a hint
Those people who say that are just trying to justify their own hatred/bigotry/war crimes.
a group of persons or particular persons for political purposes
A group such as healthcare CEOs, and the wealthy in general?
Not that I think he did it. But terrorism doesn’t have to be directed at the public at large.
All of that to fund a self-granted $400 million purchase of shitty falling apart Cybertrucks by the government.
They made huge inroads chasing the incel community. The left wants to dismiss actual young male issues because men have historically had the upper hand, but there are actual things causing hardship for the, and being repeatedly told to suck it up because someone who looks like them didn’t have those problems does not keep them in your corner.
Already mentioned? It happened already. They’re there. It took them only 2 weeks to get to operating concentration camps.
Essentially, directly accessing and modifying any system you don’t have authority over meets the bar for legal action.
So exactly the doge traitors are doing…
Their games were an advertisement for their game engine. Cryengine
They don’t care about doing things properly.
Announcing an investigation is like the simplest way you can pander to a group.
I could do it right now.
This way they can distract the idiots while they steal their social security, and all their identity and medical information off government servers.
The courts claimed they the courts couldn’t, but still have themselves the option to judge what was and wasn’t.
The courts later deciding that the president can just ignore the courts would be a bunch of power hungry dipshits completely removing their own power. It would be very dumb if them to do, even from the perspective of people who only care about themselves
Defying court orders is not part of the presidential duties.
We had these in the US, too. They were called company towns and they were extremely abusive.