Ah that makes sense. I didn’t know about Vanilla so thanks for updating that.
I know Pop is updating with their own DE “soon” and thinking they were changing their base as well would have been quite an undertaking
Ah that makes sense. I didn’t know about Vanilla so thanks for updating that.
I know Pop is updating with their own DE “soon” and thinking they were changing their base as well would have been quite an undertaking
I was looking for some information on this but couldn’t find anything. Do you have a link or any more info on them moving to a Debian base?
You have to take TechDirt for what it is. It’s not news per se, but opinions and analysis of things happening. Often times with a critical lens on the subject.
The writers are intelligent and you do get truthful information, but if you’re looking for information without the authors bias or the flavor added to the stories you may want to get the information elsewhere.