You have the right to be compensated for time spent studying for work. And he has the right to fire you for using it so ineffectively that you continuously fail.
You have the right to be compensated for time spent studying for work. And he has the right to fire you for using it so ineffectively that you continuously fail.
Ew, this is just an evangelical right wing talking point. Also who the fuck cares what “Jesus” said can we stop talking about it literally forever thanks
If your bananas have developed sentience and started to beg, you’ve left them too long!
You forgot the misogyny. The women take the welfare and the men take the jobs and all the families are broken /s
The lusty argonian maid
I’m sorry but I must downvote because this has been reposted to hell and back for literally 10 years on every platform known to humanity.
Yes if it’s thin and classy looking
Your life will be happier if you don’t base your decisions on what Internet strangers think is “moral”. Better yet, do what you want and don’t tell anyone at all.
That’s a short sighted* and anachronistic take lol.
Stick I love sticks
Leave bro alone smh
Gotta wear socks with your crocs
I have these at my desk and still use them :)
What kind of puritanical ass bullshit is this suffer yourself so other people can have it better mindset
‘at least once’ I see you’re including the evangelicals
800 no debt I just use my credit card a lot and pay it every month
Bro wtf that lemming is so cute