Uh oh, looks like we’ve got an edgelord over here.
Uh oh, looks like we’ve got an edgelord over here.
That’s really interesting but I think that suffers from a similar issue because I’d assume the processing power needed to run the matrix alone would be much greater than 1:1 per human.
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I love animals and am against animal cruelty but I’d yeet the hell out of a raccoon if it was attacking my dog. I miss you Maddie girl.
I watched Diggnation a lot too because it felt like TechTV was living on in some little way. I remember thinking Alex Albrecht was pretty cool at the time. I haven’t thought about that in well over a decade. I’d rather not look him up now because I don’t want to know if he’s actually a piece of shit like Tommy Talerico haha.
Me reading the op comment:
“Oh that’s awesome I should do that!”
Me reading your comment:
“Oh yeah…”
Jimmy Scrambles
Long sleeve shirts ftw!
The boys are back in town in my ass
Somehow I think that makes it worse.
Wow I hadn’t even thought of it that way. For real.
As if the act of murdering someone’s dog wasn’t infuriating enough the city has to go and say the officer did nothing wrong when they very clearly and objectively did. I can’t imagine the rage the owners must be feeling right now.
Well holy shit. Nintendo’s frankly terrible online for the last several Smash games has always been particularly offensive to me. As I’ve grown older all my friends stopped caring about Smash so online play was the only way I’d get to play with anyone. Even with gigabit internet not once did I get a match I would describe as good. The closest to tolerable was at least half a second of input lag. That’s for the last 2 games. It made me so mad, like why fucking bother putting online play in your game?
That would be awesome. My guess is yes but it would probably take a lot of work. Can you imagine N64 Smash online multiplayer that actually works?
I’ve heard a lot of people reference PopOS and Garuda as of the last few months but I’ve never heard of them. When you say popular distros I immediately think Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora, Suse, etc. Does your comment include those as well or when you say popular do you mean “popular for gaming”? Also how is the Linux support for external controllers?
To be fair outside of Proxmox and some Debian containers with Docker I haven’t spent much time in the Linux space for the last 7 or 8 years. I’m thinking about finally making the switch.
“Aunt Bethany, does your cat by any chance like jello?”
Any Mothman sightings nearby?
I wonder how much schooling someone would need for this? What’s the salary and benefits like? I think I could do this.
I don’t get the whole furry thing but sometimes I wish I had artistic talents because I would have no qualms getting paid to draw whatever degenerative crap people are into these days. Seems like a solid side hustle.
Endless Ocean: Blue World. I got Endless Ocean: Luminous for Christmas and it is so half-assed and soulless that playing it actually raises my stress level instead of reducing it. My disappointment is truly immeasurable. It turns into anger because there are decisions that are just so objectively bad that they clearly knew were bad but just didn’t care.