Bear Metal
Bear Metal
Why would you let an extremist dictate how you live your life? First, just do the right thing. Second, by labeling them an extremist you are acknowledging that they are not the normal, not the majority.
Most of the rural people (including many farmers) just want change. Sucks that they fell or are still falling for the bullshit. But many farmers aren’t Trump loving conservatives.
Support your local farmer. Have a conversation with them. Maybe you might actually understand each other and make a difference together. This is far better than giving the giant corporation your money and hoping they do the right thing with it. They won’t.
Is that an elephant dick?
Thanks Mr Skeletal!
And that makes being a Nazi ok now?
Nope. Not how that works. He did the salute. He went and showed his support for neo-nazis. If it quacks like a duck …
I’m actually a Cascadian hippie if you’d like to assign labels. Hell, I will even let you call me antifa. But not supporting Nazis doesn’t make me a Nazi.
I don’t hate on people with different views. I live in a very conservative area. Most of the people I talk to on a day to day basis are still wearing their MAGA hats. I’m actually not a fan of the democratic party. But at the same time I’m not dumb enough to fall in line with the new fascist agenda. There’s a huge difference between taking steps forward and burning down the system for personal profit.
Trump is an idiot with a personal agenda. Elon is a Nazi. And the people who don’t see this are mostly poorly informed. I don’t hate them for that.
But looking at your comments, it appears YOU are the one hating on everything different. Or you’re just trolling, which would make you an idiot or a child, neither of which are worth having a discussion with.
I don’t need the Internet to tell me not to like Nazis. As a decent human being it’s just natural.
Do. Not. Comply.
Giving in is what gives them the power.
I absolutely will call out people who think it’s ok to just go along with the new fascist regime.
Thank you for making me imagine a traffic stop ending in a sword fight.
It’s WAY funnier reading it twice in a row though. You should just ask everyone this question.
kava, kratom, taking shells, slaying the spire in a switch…
I’m so confused.
I feel like one of us had an aneurysm.
The other 1% is meat I hunt, fish or raise myself. It’s rather rare exception and happens only a few times a year.
When I was younger on a rare occasion I might try something that a friend or family member raised or hunted, but I’ve found people will lie about that so I usually just pass.
In the last decade (not counting fish & hunting) I’ve known the name of every animal I’ve eaten and I or my partner slaughtered it. Nothing goes to waste. Pelts and skins are kept, organs are fed to the house pets and what we can’t eat or preserve goes to the garden.
Nah bacon doesn’t even smell good anymore. The closest I get to pork is jackfruit lol. Cooked up with BBQ sauce it makes a reasonable pulled pork sandwich replacement. Even my meat eating friends enjoy it.
I wish. It’s just the dark mode for standard Android that shipped with my cheap REVVL 6 Pro.
This is awesome. Haven’t heard of this one yet so certainly going to check it out.
Thanks for the recommendation.
I do like this idea to address AI specifically and it’s in my plans once I build myself a better solar setup. I don’t quite produce enough energy to run much beyond a tablet and a cell phone.
My first goals are to get enough power to be able to run HomeAssistant and dedicated media server so I can step further away from streaming platforms. I’m hoping that AI is a bit more refined by the time I’m ready to implement it.
If I had to boycott every company that was unethical, I’d have to grow my own food and generate my own electricity. It’s just not practical.
It isn’t easy. But it is possible. And yes sacrifices have to be made (as I respond using a cell phone because I can’t function in society without one). The irony is not lost on me.
But I stopped eating meat that I didn’t hunt or raise myself over 25 years ago. I spent years living in the woods using a second hand solar system that barely functioned. I’ve been growing as much food as I can for over 3 decades.
It is possible. But I don’t expect everyone to make the same sacrifices that I have, and I do my best not to judge. But one of the biggest differences you can make in the world around you is who you support and who you give your money to.
Just shrugging your shoulders and saying ‘oh well, it’s easier to just go with the flow’ is the opposite of solving the problem. I don’t expect everyone to just live the way I do. But I do push those around me to think about the difference they could make by choosing alternatives.
Having a list of companies that support Musk is something I could use to help leverage others to make the first step in that direction.
They can be very exclusive. I’ve seen first hand many gay men absolutely hate on people in the trans community. In my experience if you don’t fit into one of their pre-assigned roles then you aren’t welcome. Also, those of us that don’t make our sexuality a primary part of our personality are often dismissed as ‘others’.
Tribalism comes in many forms.