thia article claim it was suicide and even adds the suicide hotline 💀🤡
Still an NFT though, a insignificant, worthless bit of code pointing to a “thing” you “own”
lol, the dog owners say that the parts of the bill not affecting them are good, and the farmers say the parts not affecting them are good.
easy solution. split the bill in two. one for dogs and one for farmers. both pass, and everybody’s unhappy
Even the israeli newspapers are writing this. How anyone can defend this blatant genocide is beyond me.
I mean, this just suits the genociders… No way Israel will accept - and the world just watches.
sounds like another attempt at distracting from Ukraine.
Ukraine will win if “the west” supports it. It could have done so easily if Nato mobilized it’s industry.
Russia will not attack Gotland, Sweden is in nato, I’d be signing a death treaty, but it will larp and parade to distract from Ukraine as hard as it can.
Apartheid state now going complete genocide and the world is barely trying to get a “ceasefire” going.
Trump had nothing to do with the deal though? It’s quatar and saudia arabia that negotiated it