I wish they hadn’t done away with the titan naming. the second the 90 skew was released the titan died, and I feel painting it as just another tier higher of a consumer grade card is disingenuous.
Why are you here? Well, ok I guess you can stay :3
I wish they hadn’t done away with the titan naming. the second the 90 skew was released the titan died, and I feel painting it as just another tier higher of a consumer grade card is disingenuous.
Drown in my ass
port fwd support was unfortunately removed due to abuse
EMDR is a type of therapy
could just be the angle. If you look at it head on I’d wager it’s straight
Drybones for kart and Bowser for smash
yea, I’m that guy nobody likes to play with ;(
Isn’t biden older though?
Edit: holy damn. wasnt criticizing or trying to point out ANYONE’s age, I really dgaf whos older or by how much in terms of election. I was just asking a simple question
My first three times reading this I finished the sentence as “paint my porch” and got so confused. I am slow.
Google having their own proprietary crap embedded in their version doesnt make AOSP not FOSS.
Thats the entirety of the basis for things like GrapheneOS, despite Google gobbling it up.
Didnt see that one coming. But the ~couple hundred ppm found isnt nearly the 20k ppm found in contact lenses
What do we even do about any of this shit?
Such a fantastic movie
Honestly IMO if you have even an inkling that you’ve been got by a virus, nuking from orbit is the only solution.
Grapehene has historically offered extended support, but for the longest support time the pixel 8 isnt a bad option. The 7a is also I think the king of budget phones right now but the 8 is on sale for a few hundred off the last I checked :)
Removed by mod
It isn’t like that at all. T-Mobile would’ve given you a better deal for taking a contract such as that, HP just decided they didn’t want you to even THINK about purchasing ink or something from anyone else but them. It’d be more like if T-Mobile sold you a phone that you paid full price for, and then decided they’d remotely lock your phone and wipe it if you tried to buy a charging cable from anywhere but their store.
This is straight malicious anti-consumer bullshit, and it is basically rapist behavior. It’s disgusting.
You cannot be real
AKA fine me 10 bucks for stealing 5,000 dollars worth of items? Awesome!
Recently for a project of mine between me and a couple of friends, we needed to make an iOS app having never made one before. Our solution since we didn’t have reliable access to Xcode, which you need to be able to get it onto an iPhone, was to just make an Android application in Flutter. Since it’s cross-platform we used the Android simulator to test things, and then compiled it for iOS after the fact.
All this to say you could honestly start there with flutter and not bother too much with native swift if you dont own a Mac or Macbook. If you DO own a Mac, I’d simply start with reading the swift documentation ;)
I can kill someone with a bow just as easily as with a rifle. How wholesome is that?
A tool being a tool used for a wholesome moment doesn’t mean the tool can’t be used for bad things.