Oh look, it’s on sale!
Oh look, it’s on sale!
Good thing these statements are not absolute then. Anecdotally I am way more happy thanks to my well praying job, even though the only change in my life apart from that was getting a driver’s license.
Impressive. Very nice. Now let’s see the random read/write speed.
Aaaand that’s why I switched to Brave. If you have shit performance and are selling my data, what’s the redeeming quality? 8gb of RAM should be enough to browse the internet. IDK why Firefox insists it isn’t…
I pronounce dragon as dragòn, if you know what I mean.
A comfortable 16c. 18 if I really want it to get hot.
That is actually an advantage. Centralized platforms are able to achieve larger audiences, increasing the chance that I will be able to find content I actually care about.
90% of the reason I even have discord is because people much smarter than me use it to share information. Nobody uses other areas suited for sharing information anymore. It’s either Reddit or discord.
And once the insects have finished eating the substance, there will be nothing remaining.
Oh, that one’s easy! Just use the internet archivenevermind.
Don’t feed the AI
…so which website should I use for my next scam as a substitute for Kickstarter?
You should probably reconsider.
It’s high Huge Laurie without facial hair…
Why not get a small 1l cup instead?
OpenSuse needs no fork for it has no flaw. If you ever imagine that it can be improved, you should probably reconsider.
But that extremely expensive NFT I bought has my name on it, not yours. Therefore it is owned by me and nobody else.
No I won’t show it to you.
Because people hate themselves and want to make their lives harder.
Commission fees are less than a buck. The rules don’t change just because you have little money.