Totally feel you. I’m also from central Europe and currently making a vacation in Thailand and it’s crazy how there almost no sidewalks. It feels like the government forces you to rent a scooter or in your case to buy a car to get around safely.
Reddit Refugee
Totally feel you. I’m also from central Europe and currently making a vacation in Thailand and it’s crazy how there almost no sidewalks. It feels like the government forces you to rent a scooter or in your case to buy a car to get around safely.
This sounds like a place where everything is built around cars and walking is not a real option. 😟
Exploring the world right now.
When I was 20 I ate pizza and drank soft drinks every day for two years straight and I was fine. Having the youth and body that allows you to make tons of mistakes is great.
On PC Firefox with the Sponsorblock extension
On Mobile (Android) NewPipe with the Sponsorblock Fork.
I’m traveling in the south right now. That’s one way.
Both are available on pc and mobile. Love it.
Happy to see that somebody else shares the same situation.
I usually don’t spend more than 24h around her anymore because that’s the max I can handle pure smalltalk. But I haven’t foubd a healthy way to handle this because it changed me as a whole over the last years where I kind of lost the ability to make deep interesting talks with everyone else too. How are you handling this?
There is no option to sign in on NewPipe. NewPipe works perfectly for me for years now. I even use the Sponsorblock Fork to skip the sponsored segments from the Video Creators
Run electrocty through a stone and now you have a brain. Wtf?
What is a graveyard shift?
Also a guy here. Since I’ve known that some people are sexually attracted to the same gender, I was curious about myself. So over the years I tried to sleep with two other guys, always in the presence of woman so I had something to fall back to just in case. And I learned that I do find some other guys attractive but I’m not into sex with them.
What is a Black Lives Matter Official?
Both is correct. But the second one is less about reading and more about making a crease. People who buy new books, want to be the first ones to read it. If they wouldn’t care, they would just go to the library.
Naturally colorfull dishes, as long as it isn’t meat, are the best.
Why not do the first one in the present?
Or just download every bit of content.
Have the thunderbolt symbol on my HP Laptop.
demand and supply are a thing
Trump is a Traitor