Sure would be. I still wish I knew who that dude was.
Sure would be. I still wish I knew who that dude was.
I have my fork and telehandler licence but I’m closer to management than a driver, I just want to be able to hop on the move one out of the way and not look like an idiot when I ask my guys to do something with it.
So big emergency, we have to move a couple telehandlers out of where another team had buried them and get them on a truck asap. It’s tucked so tightly in a spot with its boom up and stuff everywhere around it. I’m not very familiar with it but I crab walk it out of its hole, around a bunch of other crap and finally out onto the street. I’m now comfortable and start rolling down the road at speed towards the truck when a guy I. A pickup passes me and just points up with one hand.
Slam on brakes. Look up
There’s a line (probably internet/phone) running across the road and my forks are above them. I back up… Lower the mast and forks… And drove it to the tech and got out of there
Thank you Angel Man. I would have looked a complete fool had I knocked out internet to our own buildings, and it could have been power lines!
I know you never drive with forks up, they were just up when I got in the vehicle and the 15 minutes of Tetris they had to stay up… Then I basically forgot.
Don’t do what Donny Don’t does!
Oh… I misread the headline and though it said “explosion of data center.” I was like "wow how did they not know a data center exploded that started the fire?? There must be some people working there…
You should google oligarchy!
No you misunderstood. But also then proved my point? So I don’t know I guess have a nice day.
I had no idea Karl Marx was an author of the constitution of the United States! Wow! Thanks!
Can you explain your position? Honest question, because if I just take your post “Militias are armed citizens” I can use logic to know that to be false. Militia can be comprised of armed citizens, but armed citizens are not militia…
A log cabin is made of logs, but a log isnt a cabin?
Would you be willing to explain the difference? I don’t know and I did do a google on it awhile back and I guess if I learned anything it didn’t stick…
Signed: idiot on the internet who wants to know these things.
Yeah … One leads straight to the other…
I will stand with you on this hill. Cheek to cheek we will live or die here my brother.
Put a window in that teapot!
10/10 would buy on steam for $17.99 after watching the teaser trailer.
Who is “they” in this context.
Honest question I promise. I don’t understand what’s going on…
It’s almost impossible after the fact though!
Oh that would make a great short animated horror film… or indie game.
“Dead inside?” “The company I keep.”
Found the guy who would be fooled by Clark Kent’s glasses.
He certainly must see the writing on the wall.
He was Prime Minister the last time Trump was around.
I guess it’s funny like “yeah I’d quit my job too if a shit bag like that started working at the desk beside me.” But in reality this has been brewing for months, like you said. And he has known (and already had to deal with Trump, again) since the election.
Haven’t been keeping up with our own politics?
He called Trump “the second George Washington”, otherwise spent years “staying out of politics” but also making sure to pretend he isn’t Republican by saying “people think I’m Republican because of Rocky and Rambo.”
Surprise. Was Republican.
You get to decide if supporting Trump is a deal breaker. It sure should be. (Unless you are an enemy of the USA or a Billionaire)
Source: Googled it just now. Feel free to add or correct.