A progressive wealth tax where at some amount of money your are taxed down to that amount. Billionaires shouldn’t exist.
Practically that is impossible unless the rest of the world agrees, otherwise they will just hide their wealth overseas.
Surprised AOC is not on it
If a CEO is surprised, maybe they aren’t smart enough to be CEO. I’m an idiot and I was pretty sure the economy was gonna take a hit with tariffs.
I’d love to never need a new car. My Tacoma is 10 years old and still going strong. But I doubt ill make it another 30 or 40 years. I’m hoping if I do need another vehicle I can be in a spot for an electric. Maybe one of those tiny electric trucks
When I bought my Tacoma I was horrified to learn they no longer make the “small one”, and I was only bon Gen 2 of the Tacoma’s. They’ve gotten even bigger I think
Ooh neat.
Isn’t proton mail run by shitheads though?
I want a non profit/open source store aggregator where we can search for what we want like Amazon but direct is to the site with the item we are looking for.
We can only hope!
Sometimes things that used to be luxuries have become utilities that everyone needs. Broadband is not on the same level as housing or water, but it is undeniable that it is no longer a luxury and deserves to be treated as such.
Pretty sure this individual has an agenda, go look at their comment history.
When I get worked up I will absolutely make a few long posts, but this thread alone is a lot.
Wish I could tag users in lemmy/jerboa
We have tons of evidence that Trump is working with or for Russia. How does an unverified allegation change anything?
Oh I didn’t look at the date, so this is ancient.
Edit: nope I misunderstood. The Facebook post is still recent
Yeah, but here are my thoughts.
There is so much that is actually happening right now and stuff that is still unconfirmed shouldn’t distract us. This should be pursued for sure, but until it becomes actionable, we as people not in the press, should focus on stopping what we can.
Anyone have an archive link? Gonna go digging for it. Hopefully it’s fake or inaccurate, I’d prefer the people up top to just be incompetent
Edit: seems fake to me. The source is just a Facebook post. I’m gonna be skeptical until we can get more information
This is why I prefer Star Trek over Star Wars. Characters in Star Trek, by and large, work their asses off for what they think is right.
Star Wars, you are born a Lord or a peasant and basically accept your lot.
This is a good read that talks about it https://www.salon.com/1999/06/15/brin_main/
I guess I’m saying, instead of building new toll roads, let’s use that money to start fixing it.
Well if we can’t fund so many roads with taxpayer dollars, maybe we should have less roads and invest in reliable public transport.
We don’t have to live in a world paved over with impermeable surfaces that are only for our multiton death machines that help destroy the planet.
Was about to post the same damn thing.
Toll roads piss me the hell off.
You promise!? I’ll bring the popcorn