Remember when NYPD watched a guy attacking people on the subway with a knife?
Big ol’ (X).
Remember when NYPD watched a guy attacking people on the subway with a knife?
Big ol’ (X).
I’d like it if Joss Whedon could finish a series. Firefly? The Nevers? So much potential to just get thrown away after one season.
The first six weeks of GTA Online are my favorite gaming memories. I was working 8 hours, gaming 12 and sleeping 4. I’m still friends with people i met in the racing lobbies…
You know your JRPG’s.
I once feel asleep, standing up, at a Static X concert. 12 straight hours of drinking will have that effect…
Create a fake lottery to help get a fascist into office for the end goal of turning that $300bil into $1tril.
Thanks, TRex from Kung Fury!
I think his horse has diabeetus, or something.
A: “Must be doing something right then.”
B: “Oh no! Anyway…”
C: “That’s nice. I’m thinking chicken for dinner.”
D: “Did you say something?”
No no, you have your old desert hobo do the arm removal.
According to this ancient documentary… Yes. Yes they are.
Lotta 90’s stuff comes to mind:
Primus - Wynona’s Big Brown Beaver
Not 90’s but:
DJ Shadow/Run the Jewels -Nobody Speak
First ones that come to mind.
Sisterhood of the Traveling Goalposts!
No. Hyperbole is just a really fast bole.
Red or green, homie?
Looks like it’s time for Soup Containment Procedures!
Egad, you’re right! Here, we let reality do us!
“He didn’t mean it. He was joking.”
“He’s not gonna hurt me, I’m white…!”
“They’re only going after the bad ones.”
All quotes come directly from family that will be affected by Trump’s shit. They couldn’t care less though, because they believe the shit they say. They’ll be fine, it’s just everyone else that’s fucked.
There’s a gas station north of Austin TX in Round Rock that has Buddha Burgers. Absolutely, hands down the best burgers I’ve ever had, fast food or otherwise.