Not quite. Republicans require the child’s parents consent prior to the rape occurring.
Not quite. Republicans require the child’s parents consent prior to the rape occurring.
This is very true. I’ve been told by many leftists that liberals are enemy. The right is the enemy of liberals.
Leftist have clearly decided that the enemy of my enemy is my friend by embracing right wing political candidates and echoing their propaganda.
Citation needed.
Because it’s not true. Narcissistic personality disorder may included self loathing but it is not a requirement.
This pattern is shown by the presence of ≥ 5 of the following:
An exaggerated, unfounded sense of their own importance and talents (grandiosity) Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited achievements, influence, power, intelligence, beauty, or perfect love Belief that they are special and unique and should associate only with people of the highest caliber A need to be unconditionally admired A sense of entitlement Exploitation of others to achieve their own goals A lack of empathy Envy of others and a belief that others envy them Arrogance and haughtiness
Musk only needs 5. One could easily argue he has all of them.
No therapy has ever been about suppressing your feelings.
Some therapy is about not suppressing them because that is natural defense mechanism for trauma.
I’m aware of the quote but noticed how that calculation is done after an issue with the rear differential appears.
It’s unlikely they actually do that math because recalls over fatal issues aren’t voluntarily. They require federal agencies and lawsuits. Airbag recalls being a recent example.
Read your contracts, the things that fall under this moniker will be listed.
people for whom death of a few customers is a risk calculated into the bottom line.
You’re giving them too much credit. They never calculate that ahead of time.
With Apple the devkit would be a Mac that can run the latest version of Xcode same as any other Apple dev workflow.
The bullies win.
By telling potential allies they’re as bad as the enemy of course! It’ll start working any day now.
The leftists have their own magical thinking and it’s seems be to inherient to the movement. But unlike rightist magcial thinking, one cannot bully their way to a leftist paradise so right wins and will always win until the leftists compromise. No sign of that happening in my life time.
Not everyone. Capitalists love capitalism. It’s the people who aren’t capitalists but think they are because they love capitalism.
Sort of like how people think they are Christian’s because they go to church believe in Jesus, but don’t actually follow the teachings.
People think they are all sorts of things they are not and make themselves and or other miserable because of their fantasies.
Um, I was just doing a copypasta replacement of the grandparent post.
I do not have not finalized my dissertation on The Complexities of the American Ego: An Examination of Ignorance Fueled Bravado.
Lol are you not familiar with Americans / Superiority Complexes?
Too complicated. Put it on the never buy again list.
We’ve normalized mass shootings.
According to Musk after commenters speculated it was fireworks.
There is also a dead body in the vehicle so none of it is adding up. May have been a failed suicide attack as likely as fireworks.
The contract between the dealer and manufacturer doesn’t need to be any more complicated than what occurs between a McDonald’s and a franchise location.
I see it as, they’re willing to consent for others.
Dressing provactively? They consent to you being raped.
Your body, my choice. I shall consent for you m’lady.
I suppose another way of looking at is they see women as property. Probably why the trans thing gets them all upset, their worldview means a trans female becomes their property and in their twisted minds, that’s them being forced to take possession of something. Their imagined agency is being attacked.