Duct tape is used on airplanes all the time, so it’s readily available & multi-purpose. While it looks super sketchy, it’s actually pretty decent for a temporary fix until a proper repair can be implemented. Sometimes they’re criticized for leaving the temporary duct tape fixes on far too long. 🙃🙃🙃🙃
DUMB. What is with the Democrat obsession with destroying tobacco?? And promoting pot?
Always trying to get rid of menthols & deliciously flavored tobacco products, shisha. “It might entice kids. Won’t someone think of the children?? 🥺” Okay?..so adults just can’t have delicious, nice things? Ever?
I understand not directly marketing to kids, which they have done & that’s fucked up. Should never be allowed. But don’t take our Zin, don’t touch our shisha, don’t fuck with the vapes, don’t ban menthols & other flavors. Just…fucking stop. We’re all being tax-raped to death & underpaid; leave our tasty vices alone. You’ll straight fuck up the economy. Again.