Welcome to BRICS!
Welcome to BRICS!
Consistency of an axiomatic system that contains arithmetic can be proven in this system if and only if it is inconsistent.
Americans are not flirting with Nazism. They dated it, married it and had many children with it.
https://www.lmfdb.org/ for people deep into analytic number theory rabbit hole.
Democrats won’t abandon norms and traditions, because they play a good cop to Republicans’ bad cop. They are all in one big club and you aren’t in it.
But if they offered higher salaries, how would shareholders afford to buy their third yacht?
Russia is basically in an unending economic crisis since 1990.
That’s the same strategy EU practiced. Now they are getting boomeranged.
Come on, slap tariffs on European goods.
For first several months the war was extremely unpopular, but sanctions and discrimination against Russians did orders of magnitude more to make people think of the West as the enemy than the dumb state propaganda.
Unhinged bullshit like this did more to make people support Putin than any propaganda he could spit.
Crassus would be proud.
“We care about your privacy. We absolutely hate it, but it counts as caring, doesn’t it?”
Ukraine held the upper hand for about three-four months in summer-autumn of 2022.
I was born.
Kinda sus that this research appeared when EU began switching back to coal.
Who counts as a journalist?
Okay, now I’m wondering, can we actually check if servers run on this published code or modified version?
Wasn’t Signal revealed to have NSA backdoor or I am confusing it with something else?