The nature of Signal being end-to-end encrypted by default without any third party in the middle does add some limitations for the desktop app. I do wish I could insert a fucking GIF though.
The nature of Signal being end-to-end encrypted by default without any third party in the middle does add some limitations for the desktop app. I do wish I could insert a fucking GIF though.
Where are you getting the information that YT doesn’t pay out creators for Premium views?
Google claims they do. YouTube Premium supports creators,monthly membership fee with creators.
A search over Reddit would indicate creators actually make more money from premium views than regular ones, but that’s hearsay.
I think you are just getting recommended stuff related to other subs you clicked on, whether you are subbed to them or not.
Not having a passport for sure is an American thing, but I believe we carry and are required to use our IDs more frequently than other countries , which usually comes in the form of a state-issued drivers license/state ID card.
We drive more often and that requires having it on you at all times. Also every store is pretty strictly required to check it when buying alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana. And having to be 21 to buy those things kind of presents more of a need to check it since it’s harder to judge based on looks.
No one asked or wanted this comment but pepperoni was first created in NYC about 100 years ago. By Italian immigrants, sure, but that doesn’t support my annoying joke ruining reply.