Hey dont forget who funded and equipped the counter-revolutionaires (The CIA)
Hey dont forget who funded and equipped the counter-revolutionaires (The CIA)
Or here me out, they saw both sides as moraly reprehensable, not neccisarily equaly so, but enough that they would not be able to sleep at night giving either of them their vote, and tasid suport for what they are doing. As much as people here like to claim your really voting aganst the other guy, the vote is still for one side.
I would not be suprised when the US tries to ban that book
I mean how about this, you CAN use those sources, however I will not treat them as a sacred cow and given there track record when dealing with places the US does not like it will take me almost no time to debunk the claim, or point out how the source is not credible on this topic, then you will wace your hands and scream about some liberal media reliability rateing that cannot even get left right and center correct, even in the US overton window, an then I will have to debunk the new media reliability AND remind you of the previous debunk.
OR we can skip some of the easier ones to debunk and try to have an easier time in trying to understand reality, rather than just screaming and letting rich ghools make it up for us. The choice is yours
They still need to finish there civil war TIWIAN WILL BE RETURNED
but I know he in innocent, are you saying I do not know he is innocent?
I used to work in IT, and both then when I was on my personal time, and now, I do not love helping people, but all it takes is someone else doing it poorly would annoy me enough I would end up helping someone
Palistinian Jews exist, and where not perged, the religion spread as religions do, after WW1 the area was given to the united kingdom, and after ww2 the UK and UN without concent of the Palistinians opened it up to (eruopean) jewish settlement. The issue is that they are not from the area, nor have any claim beyond zionism to the region
Well for Decades the Irealies have both been genociding the Palistinians, and have been on a long push to try to conflait zionism, an origionaly anti-symetic idea in eurpope, that was even embraced by the Nazis, and quinticentialy jewish, so they could use anti-semitism to shield themselvs.
The good guys are the palistinians who where there before anyone else got there, and have been being genocided agian for decades on end, and are being genocided now.
on a scale from 1 to 10 how serious are you in asking this, I ask because I am genuinly unsure if you are confused and unaware of what is happening, or if you are trying to start some shit
how do you expect an archive to happen if they are not allowed to archive while it is still up. How are you suposed to track changed or see how the world has shifted. This is a very narrow and in my opinion selfish way to view the world
John Brown Fidel Castro Joseph Stalin
And then they tank the name X-Box
your not doing the work, you are telling the computer to do the work based on words you typed in, at best you could argue you own the copyright to the prompt you typed in, but not to what the computer generated. You did not generate, the computer generated
look even 1 billion is more than enough to live on for a lifetime and then quite a bit left over, so that is not really that dumb
you see here the thing is “I Take” you did the thing,
you see 1 is the smaller number so clearly it is what we must kill /s
and why the fuck should we care about legality, in what way is legality equivilent to morality. If we let the law justify what is moral, then any time something works for labor, they can just make it illegal and therefor immoral