You could require that players wear glasses of a certain kind: Eg transparent plastic frames, or fine wire frames which are too small to conceal any device.
Thunderbird is back in active deleopmemt though, and not just as a maintenance project.
I wouldn’t have done this, but I do kinda get it.
We had a 100 person wedding. Friends, close family, and Aunts/Uncles (no cousins, extended relatives). There definitely were people interested in giving us gifts even though they weren’t invited. I told them basically the same thing as this card. It was annoying having to field those requests at the same time as prepping for the wedding, so I could see why someone would send this card preemptively.
I feel like it would only be trashy if you were really expecting money from these people.
Definitely a fungus that grows huge under the earth and spouts a few fruiting bodies every one in a while.
Just leave me alone and unbothered to grow and eat, maybe with a few other fungi in the area so I can exchange signals with them.
I always felt like murderous clones are a bit different from evil twins.
From a sci-fi perspective, I’ve noticed that murderous clone stories tend to explore the following themes: