This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!
Find me at:
https://daboom.neocities.org/ (all links and other socials I cannot remember and don’t use)
https://twitch.tv/da_boom232 (I stream here)
https://twitter.com/DaBoom_ (“go live” notifications only)
This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!
I have 2 PCs
my main one is full AMD running hyprland -5800X, 7900XTX, 32GB ram, etc.
My second PC is solely used for streaming and is running an old GTX 1070 for encoding purposes.
From what I can see, I’ve not really had any issues running hyprland on it. Though I will admit it doesn’t do much beyond running Carla, OBS, Qpwgraph, Firefox, discord and jack_mixer on specially designated workspaces. And it streams soley via EVGA Xr1 Lite capture devices. It does have desktop-portal-hyprland, just in case I want to capture my stream PCs desktop, but I don’t really use it much. It’s connected as a second input to my secondary monitor, and has a mirrored display on a small touch screen so I don’t have to swap monitor inputs too often, and can trigger scene changes with just a touch. The hardest part was getting the monitors to play nicely, as the touchscreen sits upside down.
Full specs of my second PC, as it’s quite old - Intel Core i5-4690, ASRock H97M pro4, 16GB Ram, EVGA GTX 1070, Intel 120GB SSD, 1TB WD Green 5400rpm HDD.
We don’t, but our government seems to think we do. Seriously if we were any further up America’s ass, we’d be licking the back of America’s throat.
That said, sometimes I feel like we’re the rope in a tug of war between America and China. Though the majority of time America’s winning.
God I swear the American Christians are fucking insane.
I’ve never heard such BS before. At least not from any church I know here in Australia.
If it’s unremoveable its probably been installed from the beginning.
Our class party’s were always “bring a plate” type parties - parents would give the kids a plate of something to contribute
It was the best.
I guess I need a second set of shoes so when I send my old ones off to the shoe repairer I still have something to wear.
That’s my problem now, Ive only got one good-ish pair, and they ain’t leather
Not only that, but aside from fossil fuels, what’s the next worst culprit of greenhouse gas emissions? Fashion. Our practices in producing cheap, poorly made replaceable clothes and not making the effort into at least splashing out into clothes that last longer and maybe even repairing what we’ve got is a huge problem.
Most pairs of shoes I buy often don’t last longer than 3 months. And when I do finally get one that lasts longer I wear them till the soles fall out of them. My current pair I’ve had for at least 2-3 years.
Just use dishwashing powder and laundry powder/liquid.
Dishwasher pods kinda suck anyway. And most dishwashers have a spot for powder during the prewash, which it’s highly recommended to use. (Look up technology connections videos on the topic)
imma decline this. My town is in the midst of a heatwave. It’s too fuckin’ hot.
Also the only bike in the family is a rusty piece with flat tires and the gears perpetually need adjusting. The chain is probably in awful need of lubrication.
It’s like the XP olive theme with the vista/7 style widgets sidebar - all you need is the RPM style CPU usage gauges.
It was just a line…
A Taaag Line!
Sorry couldn’t help myself
If there’s more than one zoom, it’s Mazda’s slogan
Hmmmm… no signs saying you can’t do some donuts with a rear wheel drive car in the rocky patch. That should break all the windows. It may also have the bonus of breaking nearby people too.
Hey, that counts in my book!
Go give it to Oscar the grouch, it could be his shiny new home.
Honestly, as an honestly pretty unspiritual Christian, Street preachers make me unnecessarily angry. Because it feels like they’re just bible bashing and aren’t actually doing anything to further Christianity’s goals, despite the fact they think they are. Individuals can’t win people over by shoving their beliefs down people’s throats.
I feel like the only people who listen to these guys are people who agree with them. Most people ignore them in my city.
Hm. Sounds like a very principled concept!
If you have to know… Mostly Skyrim as of late . Been thinking of doing some questionable content at some point with a few friends