Thanks man! I appreciate the advice and will absolutely keep it in mind. I’m happy to know that your life is moving in a good direction too. It helps remind me that it is possible and that I’m not alone. Happy new year!
College Prof in the US, focus areas are Human-Computer Interaction, Cybersecurity, and Machine Learning
Thanks man! I appreciate the advice and will absolutely keep it in mind. I’m happy to know that your life is moving in a good direction too. It helps remind me that it is possible and that I’m not alone. Happy new year!
Weirdly same boat. Known the girl for about 2 years, but just started dating about a month ago. I love her so much! Prior to her, no 3rd dates in about 10 years.
The big difference is that I live in my mom’s basement and she is the hoarder, and her stuff invaded my space. I started therapy and have begun making plans to be moved out by February, hopefully in an apartment much closer to work to boot! In the meantime, almost all of her stuff is out of my current bedroom and I’ve moved furniture around to be more functional for me.
I’ll also throw out going back on OCD meds, and smoking pot for the first time in my 29 years of living to manage panic attacks. Highly effective, and basically no side effects.
Great film - I think the world would benefit from more people watching it. But it is so depressing, I don’t think it is a film everyone should watch.
2002 ford explorer. You don’t see many 20 year old cars on the road at all, but that thing was already a rare sight by 2012 when I ignorantly bought mine.
After owning that pile of scrap for 2 or 3 years, when the 2nd transmission gave way and the front left suspension just sorta collapsed in on itself, I was left surprised that any of those cars survived beyond 2003.
Cant speak to OP, but this was lovely and maybe helped me with some stuff. Thank you!
For anyone in the area of Unicoi, TN, there is a group meeting at the high school tomorrow morning to help clean debris and distribute supplies.
Depends on the context. I have day-ta, you have dah-ta. They use dah-ta, and their conclusions are supported by the day-ta. That day-tabase holds lots of day-ta, and that dah-ta sent across the network.
Yeah, except my experience, it was in a team speak server, smoking cigarettes over a game of unreal or quake 3 instead of a 3" diameter cigar over a game of chess. Spiritually and effectively the same as in those old biographies though.
For reference, this was at a midsized state university in the south in the early 2010s
I once met a guy in a guitar shop telling me about the “litter boxes” in the class room of a local high school. I was working as a substitute teacher at the time while I finished my master’s thesis. I told him that I work at that school regularly and could confirm that it was a facebook shitpost and not even remotely grounded in reality.
He walked out of that store still 100% convinced that our local high school just had students casually pooping in the corner during class.
I mean sure, we still had students pooping in the corner during class, but it had nothing to do with litter boxes. It was very much motivated by how much they hated that particular science teacher, and there was absolutely nothing casual about it.
Ok? Have fun with all that
[28:18] Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
I don’t know where he got that RATHER than the Jews from the book of Matthew, since I read that as more of an AND, but the rest is from the end of the book of Matthew.
Now please go be a teenage atheist edgelord somewhere else. We’ll be here when you want to have a discussion in good faith, but for now, go sea-lion somewhere else.
deleted by creator
You really don’t think the context of the woman correcting him, Jesus accepting the response of a canaanite woman, admitting fault, thanking her for her faith, and then rewarding her doesn’t change the context of “Jesus compared a woman to a dog” just a little bit?
Why did you stop at verse 26?
27 “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”
28 Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.
Yes, but the political blowback from both parties would likely not be worth it. Especially because Republicans would immediately add double the amount Biden would, and it would very likely quickly grow into full bore shenanigans.
I guess not. I thought that I remembered an old AP article online about this from the 1980s about a police raid at a farm compound somewhere in Alabama. However, I cannot find the original source for this claim anywhere! So either all evidence of this event has been scrubbed from the internet, or I have misremembered the event. I consider one of these more likely than the other.
From what I remember of the story, this family had basically just kept their slaves hidden away on their small plantation during reconstruction, then just kept them hidden away from the rest of society by not allowing them to leave the compound. Someone finally escaped during the 1980s, was discovered, and eventually taken into police custody. This eventually led to the raid on the compound and the AP article that I remember.
I remember doing a lot of research into neoslavery right around when this video from Knowing Better and this video from All Gas No Brakes came out. Both videos talked a lot about slavery after the Civil War (The AGNB video was more indirect, but an interviewee in the video name-dropped a lot of stuff that I was ignorant about), which is what piqued my interest. I guess that I must be conflating a couple of different events despite my vivid memory of the article. If anyone else remembers reading the article, or the event occurring (because again, 1980-something is not that long ago), please let me know!
Friendly reminder that chattel slavery didn’t end in the United States until almost ww2, and some places still illegally enslaved black families continously since the civil war up until the 1980s. (EDIT: I thought that I remembered an old AP article online about this from the 1980s about a police raid at a farm compound somewhere in Alabama. However, I cannot find the original source for this claim, so I am retracting it. From what I remember of the story, this family had basically just kept their slaves hidden away on their small plantation during reconstruction, then just kept them hidden away from the rest of society by not allowing them to leave the compound. Someone finally escaped during the 1980s, was discovered, and eventually taken into police custody. This eventually led to the raid on the compound and the AP article that I remember.)
Then obviously prison slave labor is still an ongoing issue.
Reasonable minds feel free to disagree, but I’ve got to admit that I’m shocked to see the lemmy community rally around the defense of Ray Croc of all people.
And Ray Croc didn’t invent McDonald’s, but poured the foundation that McDonald’s is built on. I place Musk in a similar, although not entirely the same, category.
If you have to ask someone else, then you probably won’t finish, and if you do, it will suck. Read some recently published papers, see what looks interesting to you, then check out the “future research” section that many of them will have.