I call this comment, the “58008’s Wild Ride”
I call this comment, the “58008’s Wild Ride”
It’s better, because here the underlying pacing isn’t left ruined after the removal.
Removing the laugh track leaves behind (hilariously) awkward gaps.
Actually kinda funny still, lol
I mean, they didn’t bother you guys.
The guy was just cold, and the gal had a personal moment. Not their fault, that you two little kids were scared of strangers.
Kidding aside, and assuming what you’ve written is neither internet-talk nor standard schizophrenia tendencies, it might be carbon monoxide poisoning. It was a phenomenon, with haunted houses very often just having faulty heaters of some kind, causing hallucinations in the right doses.
The meme. The picture behind the text.
Wait why am I snarky. You either had a brainfart or are joking.
Either way, nice.
No, get the gold and the pill that doubles something you own. The pi million is completely moot.
France tries to pass an extremely unpopular reform on its colonized island on the other side of the world, allowing french citizens to vote after 10 years of staying on the island, that just so happens to be the world’s 3rd largest nickel exporter.
Locals, already fucked by years of colonialism and being economically disadvantaged, protested, and in the escalating violence, were suppressed by armed police, that killed 3 young locals. One policeman dies, days later in the hospital from a wound.
France locks down the airport and port with military, applies 12 days lockdown to the already curfew’d capital, and stations another 500 police men on top of the 1800, making for almost 10% of the population now, being french police.
Tiktok is banned, because it was said to be the main way protesters organised.
Their politicians claim no colonialism is happening.
This article sensationalises the violence of the protesters, and dryily describes that of the French state.
It is also ordered such that the heavier crimes against the people of the island, are placed after: a vapid introduction that “takes no sides”, one mandatory extra click to “load the rest of the article”, and a bunch of ads.
Skill issue
Honestly, it sounds to me like he just really wasn’t present in the moment.
I just cannot believe he would intentionally do such a thing, if he was aware of the entire situation, given your previous interactions. I might be projecting, (for I’ve been in such situations, and it was horrible for everyone involved), but I believe he was strongly tuned out somehow. Dissociated, either because of other things in his life at the time, or because of the date itself.
I think, no matter the cause, that’s still a bad sign for a date, he was not in a situation to pay attention to you, which was not a good thing at all.
If you feel some kind of empathy for that, or if you have any degree of interest, you could literally ask him. I think it’s good and proper to ask what was going on, about a time you were hurt, assuming you want further association with someone.
Otherwise, as a rule, I believe other people’s minds are kinda unknowable, and Very unreliable (we make mistakes all the fucking time), so I would not take it personally. I’d be willing to bet, it was not meant to be any kind of slight to you, or any intentional message. He probably just fucked up, and you should probably let it go, and move on.
To be clear, I don’t think there’s a right answer about whether you try to connect with him again or move on. Whichever you honestly feel you want, in your gut, is probably right.
I can’t advise you on anything that happened on the date itself, those are entirely yours and person-specific.
Assuming that you are not interested in anything with him at all, and just want to properly reject him, I strongly recommend not ghosting him fully, and instead give a kind but firm and clear rejection.
You don’t have to go into detail explaining. Especially after mutually keeping distance for that long, it’s clear that there was no spark between you, and you can just say something along those lines. “Sorry, I didn’t feel the chemistry, and I really feel like we don’t match. But I wish you happiness.”
For those last couple questions you ask… My opinion is that they’re are no rules.
Guys being expected to pay feels slimy to me, but paying itself can be good, like a gift, especially if you reciprocate and pay for something else another time.
The gal asking for what would make her happy in terms of which shop to go to… Should be an absolute given. If you feel like you’re not gonna have fun somewhere, recommend the better option, absolutely.
I really just need someone, anyone to cuddle.
Virtue signalling of exactly this.
This is the intended message.
I mean, you’re not wrong. Just a bit of an asshole.
Y type is intentionally made to say “fuck you” to that sentence.
And deserves to burn in hell for it
That’s cool, but it’s a pretty advanced recommendation (at least where I live, stores don’t stock it, so it’s a little bit more of an investment).
Helping someone new to all this, by making it easy for them to start, is what I would have wanted to have someone do when I was starting out 😅
It has happened again
The three most important things, are
A good wash, and optionally a little bit of douching (extra fancy guide) if you want to push it
Lube. However much you think you need, more than that. Simple oils can work fine. Soap is horrible. Store bought water lube is best.
Having fun, a relaxed exploratory afternoon 😊
I mean, no matter how greasy they look, they’re together, good for them.
I think it depends on how shitty they’re behaving.
“Our inherently good government with unfortunate rich fascist fucks in it, vs their inherently nasty foreign government”
Revanced is a game changer