First word even
What’s the difference between a king and a dictator?
How you’re remembered.
*Golf of Magastan
They did away with the Dept of Education
"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command. The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”.
There has already been talk of revoking citizenship of residents. Legally here and not criminals, at least that haven’t committed crimes here. You can argue that they committed crimes in their home countries but that’s not what’s being mentioned here. Even then, that’s a minority within a minority. Should we deport women that broke sharia law? What about the man that killed the guy that abused his underage daughter and fled the country with his family to avoid retaliation. Maybe just the homeless people that came in search of a better life? These are made up examples but where do you draw the line. Either everyone is safe or nobody is. Extradition is a thing, sure but that’s not what’s being discussed. The fact that the conversation is currently “everyone is welcome except ____” means that the goalposts have already moved. We are now talking about exceptions which means that over time that list of exceptions will grow. How long before “only the _____ are welcome”. Surely this doesn’t end here. And I’m sure that every step of the way you will just sit there thinking, “yeah that makes sense”.
“And then they came for me”
Keep moving the goal posts and you never will.
McDonald’s only uses pink slime in the US. Other countries health standards require real food to be served. So that flex is actually understandable. Their McDonald’s is actually good and relatively healthy all things considered. I can’t imagine eating McDonald’s over there your entire life only to realize one vacation that your country has the superior fast food.
The listings are for auctions that all end in 6+ days, one even has 30. Wait until the deadline is closer, as in minutes before, and watch the price skyrocket. You can place a bid right now and the price will just jump up to your price. Highest bidder usually has a price higher than the listed price and will remain highest bidder unless you actually outbid their real bid. For example, if I set a bid for $200, all of those listings are below $100, I will win the auction as long as nobody bids over $200. If someone bids $150, they instantly get notified that they were outbid and the price jumps to $151. AFAIK there is no way to see the auto bid price. There are also bots that will come in at the last few seconds to try to get it at the cheapest price possible. Find auctions that are closer to ending to see what people are actually paying for products.
That’s basically the “plot” to the song Miss Murder.
A capitalist one
This is the equivalent of saying break your pasta in half to fit it in the pot. People will be triggered.
As an adult I must say that those are some of my favorite fairy tales.
To everyone not just management. And that’s okay.
I think at your age (didn’t specify but still minor) the only real options are tutoring international students, bug bounties, and maybe remote help desk if you have any certs. You will probably need a work permit too, ask your school counselor. As a student you might also qualify for remote internships from some of the bigger tech companies aimed at students, ie Microsoft, Dell, IBM, Google. These are usually paid.
IRL is probably a better option as has been mentioned. Put up flyers around town advertising yourself for whatever you think you can pull off. I’d start with grocery stores, apartment buildings, community centers, hospitals, the local VA office, senior centers, post office, local colleges, etc
We bringing back anytime minutes
Schrodinger’s immigrant
I worked in apartment maintenance for a bit. That is a requirement for low income housing, at least in California. If it doesn’t have one or it stops working for any reason, the tenant can claim unlivable living conditions and not pay rent until it’s fixed. This is true for many types of problems but you asked about garbage disposals. Also the property could potentially lose the designation of low income housing which means losing the federal/state subsidy. Most tenants don’t know about this and choose to move out instead after a few rent increases. On the other hand there is a list of “problem tenants” that landlords share and if you end up on it then good luck finding a new place to rent.
Maybe not at this scale, but Republicans have already been bussing and flying people for a while now. Martha’s Vineyard ring any bells. This isn’t extradition, it’s deportation. They just just want these people out of their hometowns.
Concepts of a plan
Finance, credit, investing, retirement, savings. How money works. I’ve worked with way too many younger folks that don’t know anything about finance.