I went on something like 50 dates with people that I found on online dating sites. This was between 2005 and 2007 (when I met my wife via Yahoo Personals.)
I went on something like 50 dates with people that I found on online dating sites. This was between 2005 and 2007 (when I met my wife via Yahoo Personals.)
Planning and fomenting a revolution to overthrow the fascist takeover of the US government.
I’d say more like 20% more productive for most developers. Maybe it suits your coding style better than most?
Most of the time spent developing software isn’t writing code, but understanding the problem you’re trying to solve and translating that into an algorithm. I see more utility in generating tests, since a lot of developers don’t have good testing skills.
You don’t need to ask, just create it! You may need to use the web interface to do so. I’ve never tried to create a community using a mobile app.
The usual spot. The same amount of Viagra and Ducolax as last time?
Not if you buy them from me. High quality, low prices!
And very few medications will show a shelf life longer than 2 years because they simply aren’t tested for that length of time. Many medications that come in dried form (i.e., pills) are likely good for a decade or more, but safety and efficacy certainly are not guaranteed beyond what the manufacturer says.
It does. Two hands, firm grip, press the trigger as straight back as possible.
I stopped watching TV a few years ago. It wasn’t a conscious choice. I just didn’t find it interesting.
I do still follow current events. There are much better sources of information than TV news.
In the article refers to “cops” and “feds”. The overall tone of the writing sounds like a high school student wrote it.
Exactly. Some of them may actually be cops. They always get some number of facists.
They could have, but that doesn’t mean that Starlink couldn’t do a lot more to catch them at it. You’re making excuses for a fascist.
Are you saying that geolocation of a starlink unit is difficult from the starlink satellite network? That seems unlikely to me.
Starlink has no reason outside sanctions to give a fuck where their payments are coming from
Do you see a moral dimension to this? Keeping technology out of the hands of an aggressor state is an excellent reason. I think that many people feel that because corporate entities behave like criminal organizations (indifferent to anything other than maximizing their own profits) that this is somehow OK. It isn’t, and normalizing isn’t acceptable either.
It takes way less Delta V to push them into solar escape velocity.
Under what circumstances does the first amendment guarantee anonymity?
What makes you think the other commenter wants chip makers to operate in a free market?
Found the Brit.
Never watched it because the characters all look creepy to me. I remember other kids watching “Speed Racer” back in the 70s, so I referred to as “that crappy Japanese animation style” until I learned the name for it when it really took off in the US after around 2000.
I know that makes me something of a Philistine. I’m aware that it has a rich history and millions (billions?) of devoted fans.
It still creeps me out, though.
… And that’s the same year I graduated high school…
Thank you for saying that. I read it as underwear the first time and thought, “That’s pretty low humor for Peter Falk.”