I’m 18 and I’ve seen both a check and a fax machine! My father has check books lying around, and I’m an electrician so I saw the owners bring a fax machine into a rehab center we were working at.
Just wear a sweater bro
Big government doesn’t want you to know this, but we have a 0.69420 cent coin as well
The texture of popsicle sticks makes me want to go to a factory that produces them, and throw 100 popsicle sticks into the machinery
I live here! There aren’t many residential areas within half a mile of the site, the “downtown” area of Cleves is about a mile away, so the biggest damage to me personally is just that the grocery store is closed… hopefully it stays that minor, and goodluck to those who did have to evacuate
Edit: as of at least 6:30 PM, the roads are opened back up and evac order lifted. Just drove through there, still trucks and workers all around it, but seems to be wrapping up without too much incident that I’ve heard of anyways
Now this is some masterful storytelling, fantastic read, and thank you for sharing
I like how him lying in bed is just him opening the door but flipped lol
Edit: this was meant to be an independent comment, not a reply, but I guess it kind of fits in with both him and his games being a copy
I take the stairs because the elevator isn’t built yet
(I’m an electrician)
“Shot an unpopular politician”
Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?
(Yes ik Trump)
John Cartwheel would like a word with both of them
Well yes but actually no
Fuck wait this is a duplicate, my bad
Oh boy here I go killing again
10/10 survive yes?
I mean he paid for Twitter and… well…
Obligatory link: