I don’t think he understands how open source works…
I don’t think he understands how open source works…
Yes please. For the love of God it’s not too late.
I get the feeling of defeat. It sucks. But we must come together and stop this fascist takeover before it’s too late, whether you’re a conservative, liberal, or leftist we need to join hands and fight for a nation for the people. Luigi was a right leaning libertarian.
Seriously, the train has left the station and if we don’t derail this train now it’s going to mean we’re finally handing all of our remaining power to self important narcissistic billionaires. America isn’t for sale and it’s not a business, it’s our home, it belongs to us. These gross conmen pricks who think they know more than us because they got lucky in life think they can just take everything away by force.
What happened to conservatives? What happened to “my rights end where yours begin”. This shit is asinine, absolute trash.
The trans folks I know are the most joyful, positive people I know. They do not deserve to be stripped of their joy and identity. The next 2 years I suspect will be a long, hard road.
It’s almost like … universal healthcare would make our economy stronger and the insurance companies are the leaches…
This last election made me into an anarchist for now. I do not believe there is any way to salvage this system we have in any meaningful way. I’m not a violent person so I can’t see myself doing anything like Luigi, but Democrats aren’t going to save anyone and are just one part of the problem.
I think Donald could be the death blow to our country as more and more of our social contract is upended, especially with talks of killing the ACA and other popular programs.
He had everything on him to get caught and convicted. I don’t think he wanted to run forever.
Brain drain will happen after prices skyrocket and folks are expected to wait it out. Places like Spain are cheap, but generally have a better qol than most places in America.
If European countries want to open their doors to distraught Americans I think it’s a great idea because there are a lot of highly educated, highly skilled folks here that might just be done with the bs once maga really begins to churn.
Genuine question: why not try Linux? You’ll continue to get updates without the nagware. There are very few games I play that cant run on proton at this point.
Could it be possible for companies to drop ship through Canada or Mexico to skip the tariffs?
Another point is that cars, car infrastructure, and car oriented development is one of the single most wasteful ways to use land. Building smarter cities with alternative transit systems, mixed use areas, and actually using all 3 dimensions like many newer cities in China could protect so much habitat from needlessly being destroyed. There’s hardly any truly wild land left on the east coast, it’s hard to tell what things used to look like now that practically everything is covered in suburbs and strip malls.
Its pretty insane we don’t invest in our cities anymore when they’re the powerhouse of the economy. Not to mention they’re a way better use of land than suburbs and rural living. You can find affordable places in Tokyo and so many other cities worldwide that dwarf ours in almost every metric. Cities really aren’t the problem, they are actually the potential solution if we change our policies around them and attempt to catch up with countries like Japan.
Plus you can probably run stock Android on the op6 if you wanted to run Android 13
It said support was bipartisan, which if you know anything about Michigan conservatives and Whitmer its pretty shocking they’d agree on anything
Poor kid. 2 weeks of his schooling disrupted over complete bs. Dress code is already mostly bs, but leave it to Texas to take it the nth degree and dictate hair length. Not even in Utah do they have such draconian rules on hair length.
This is all I want. I’ll settle for an iPhone when apple fully complies with EU regulations. Once they officially allow third party app stores I’ll be interested, and at that point I wouldn’t know the difference between the two
Except openai and all their investors