That’s how I felt here in the UK when I woke up to see the majority voted for Brexit. Before that I thought people can’t be that dumb. Apparently they can.
Like Wallace and Gromit but instead of cheese it’s biscuits.
That’s how I felt here in the UK when I woke up to see the majority voted for Brexit. Before that I thought people can’t be that dumb. Apparently they can.
I got exactly the same. Firefox on android and in the UK. Perhaps it’s regional.
I just searched the same words and got the same text.
Welcome to the fold, brother.
That would have been good!
And at the end you get a list of statistics. Slept X days, X hours on the toilet, could have reached level 60 if only you went for job B. Spent X hours masterbating. Killed 2 people without you or anybody else even realising. Used X KG of plastic.
Ha yes my thinking too. I posted a reply further up about a movie idea, a bit like the matrix combined with total recall. Not much action though, just mind bending thoughts about what is reality once you’ve exited the simulation. Second guessing everything. More of a depressing firm perhaps.
All hail the mighty SUDO
I had a thought for a movie a while back. Perhaps it exists already. Sort of like the matrix and total recall combined. The movie starts with somebody on their deathbed after an accident or something (not really relevant what), family nearby. Emotional scene. Person slips away with eyes closed, then opens them but somewhere else. Zooms out to see they’re in a machine like a CT scanner. They’ve just lived an experience in the simulation. They then have to spend time coming to grips with what reality is for them. Is it still part of the simulation? Does it matter? What about their loved ones, does any of that even matter now? Were the loved ones other people in the simulation or some sort of programme. Life was easier in the simulation not ever wondering if it was a simulation.
It’s more confusing looking at it from a top view. When driving it’s loads easier. I was expecting a mind numbing event first time I drove it but it wasn’t that bad really.
It’s also the ease of it. I travelled to Indonesia a while back thinking I could pick up a SIM card once there. I didn’t realise you have to register the phone itself for tax reasons (?) to white list the IMEI of the phone before buying a SIM card. It was loads easier just to buy a roaming eSIM after I arrived. In hind sight I probably could have got a better package had I shopped before hand but it got me out of a tricky situation.
I had to visit a house the other week in a place I hadn’t been before. Sat nav got me to the post code just fine only but the problem is it’s one of those villages on a long road where everyone thinks they are special and don’t need house number. Instead they all have names. It’s horrid! Driving up and down real slow, blocking the road, while I read every bloody house name.
I got asked the other week how I managed to drive places without satnav or Google. I suddenly felt old.
They missed Shitterton off the maps.
I didn’t know either. Shame I had to filter through loads of bad joke replies to find the one which seems to be the right answer.
I’ve been upset for about 10 years or so. I used to use the Love Film service where I got two Blu-ray at a time posted to me. The company was bought my Amazon. Ok, don’t like Amazon but that’s fine, I like the service still. They then incorporate it into their Prime package. I didn’t want anything else, just discs by post. To retain the disc service it cost more than just prime as prime was a requirement. They sneaked Prime onto my account without me realising and the price went up. They were phasing people from discs to online by making it the cheaper option. They then phased the disc service out altogether.
They literally bought Love Film to shut it down.
I’m was happy renting blurays. I switched to buying Blu-ray for a while but I have no where to keep a collection. So I have up and switched to Kodi.
Quite sad really. I still have what were then two good quality Blu-ray players now collecting dust. I sometimes look at them and think one day…
There was a short period after I heard the term Third World where I thought there was more than one world in our solar system and this is where Africa was. That was a strange few days.
The pink oboe.
I felt like I needed one this morning. Instead I got the longest turd I’ve ever seen. It hit the water before it left my arse.
Does sex toys with AI built in count?