I can’t imagine so, they’re only just now prepping the first pixel phone on their own in-house CPU (pixel 10) and development is underway for the following generation (pixel 11). To axe the line now would be crazy.
I can’t imagine so, they’re only just now prepping the first pixel phone on their own in-house CPU (pixel 10) and development is underway for the following generation (pixel 11). To axe the line now would be crazy.
Ngl, I’m kind of surprised the owner hasn’t already posted the “sick closeup footage” they shot online.
Activision Blizzard
I think the MSFT buyout eliminated their stake in ABK?
I was pretty happy to see the Atlanta church mentioned in the article who appears to be opting for the third option!
Starcraft 1 & Warcraft 2
Fat in sold form isn’t like a rock. Think of jello or Crisco - that’s what solid fat looks like. So yeah, that gelatinous bacon grease? That’s solidified fat at room temp.
From the article:
According to the federal indictment, Alcala would take women’s phones during traffic stops to confirm their insurance coverage or vehicle registration. But he searched their phones for nude images and took photos on his own personal phone, the indictment said.
(Doesn’t make it ok, but the cops weren’t just walking up to the window and demanding to search their phones)
My company is currently forcibly migrating off of Slack to Teams. It’s so heartbreaking…
Not the original commenter but I’d wager similarly that yes, the vast majority of the American people are far too comfortable to venture into the “inconvenience” of an actual war. Gripe about it from our couches? Yep. Lift a finger to bring about actual change (and no, signing an online petition doesn’t count) in the face of real, actual, severe consequence? …nah.
Digital Cinema Package; basically the movie file you’re watching when you’re in a movie theater.
That’s some RFC 2549 logic, right there.
His excuse was some bs about, “companies should be allowed to decide for themselves without having the government mandate it for them”.
This, from the same guy who wants the government to decide what aspects of history schools can and cannot teach, or what books libraries can and cannot include.
Very consistent, Ronny.
Well c’mon, if they write a legit privacy bill it’s going to hurt their Stateside vectors. This way, they can tout “yay security!” while funneling more traffic to Instabookapp where they can still access it.
I read a while back that Bobby Kotick was trying to drum up investors for it.
Not to mention it needs a security update. Gotta figure out a way to encrypt those pigeons!
You just need 9 more PCs with the same motherboard on em!
From BNL,
I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve
I have a history of taking off my shirt
I collected Marvel cards back in the 90s and I’m pretty sure I have at least a few that are official “collectors items” now. I’ve never looked into it very thoroughly since I just kept them in baseball card pages with no other particular protection from the climate, etc, but who knows?
Eeeeeeehhhhh, I’m not sure trading one coup for another is the solution here