The most stable! He has the best geniuses in his party! Their brains do big good thoughts and many maths! So much wrinkles!
Just kinda that guy, ya know?
The most stable! He has the best geniuses in his party! Their brains do big good thoughts and many maths! So much wrinkles!
Bro, Las Vegas is gonna collapse for this shit. “Let’s just drill a bunch of random tunnels beneath our DESERT CITY with no oversight or plan, THAT’LL GO WELL!!!” - a moron. When the ground gives out and half the strip collapses into it, I doubt Musk will pay the fees for it.
IDK man his FUCKING MANIFESTO was pretty clear that he was super pissed off at Healthcare CEOs for fucking the people day in, day out.
This is 10000% a scam. That’s not the USPS url scheme. Plus, as a government entity, they’ll start correspondence through certified mail. Another question you could ask yourself is “Did I order any packages lately?” IF not, then more proof it’s a scam.
But you see, that’s the thing; the NIMBYs cry and scream and bitch and moan about all these infrastructure projects, claiming they’ll ruin everything and lower property values or whatever, but when they’re completed, and property values shoot up because people actually want to live there now, they shut up and claim they were never against them in the first place.
Because NIMBYs are hypocrites, and were using public infrastructure the whole time. They’ll never move outside of the suburb or city they’re in now, because if they did they’d complain that there was no infrastructure there that they were used to.
I meant more along the lines of “There can’t be any new high-density housing developments because itll destroy the characterof the area”, or “we can’t build new public transport infrastructure because the construction will be too loud :(((”. You know, shit that everyone except NIMBYs and scumbag landlords actually wants.
Affordable housing would be more possible in cities if their building codes weren’t so heavily calcified by landlords and NIMBYs 40 years ago. Still, it’s good that all these small towns are seeing a resurgence in both population and cultural change, even if their original occupants hate it.
Yeah. Those fucking hicks love to rant about how dangerous, crime ridden, and unlivable major cities are. Shows they’ve never actually been there.
Well, you have to remember, he’s an entitled NepoBaby manchild who grew up rich off an emerald mine in Apartheid South Africa, failed upwards into every position he’s ever held after blowing shit tons of money into failing companies, claims he knows more about manufacturing than anyone else despite his products getting recalled almost weekly and openly flaunting safety standards over the color of safety gear, and just overall is a massive dweeb who shills failed crypto scams and political grifts over on the Social Media platform he spent Too Much Money™️ on.
So yeah, of COURSE he thinks he can shadow-run 2 governments at once by funding Fascist takeovers. He’s just that stupid and entitled. And when it all blows up in his face one day, all I will do is laugh.
They should.
Some of those who work forces…
Same TBH. I’ve never heard of this service until today.
Congrats on recovering. Doesn’t give you an excuse to be a bitch though.
I try to embrace my hobbies. Motorcycle rides, baking, trying new beers, gaming with friends, reading, etc. It can be hard finding the time to do it all, but I try my best.
It helps that I’ve already made peace with the fact I’m never gonna be rich enough to do anything truly incredible, like travel the world for 6 months, or retire :/.
A rampant culture of Indignant Self-righteousness mixed with a shockingly high level of undiagnosed and/or untreated mental illness. All this leads to a sizeable population of people who wholeheartedly believe that consequences don’t apply to them, and the actions that follow them.
No, fuck you.
Cancer. So much goddamn cancer. It doesn’t matter what kind of immortality you have, you WILL get cancer. Repeatedly. Over and over. Forever.
So he’s a heavily closeted Republican bigot who’s secretly hyper-gay and hates himself for it? Cool, I guess.
Lmao who could’ve seen THAT coming?