There’s no chance this doesn’t turn out to be, among other things, an autism detector.
There’s no chance this doesn’t turn out to be, among other things, an autism detector.
Try it with sesame seasoning too! Tastes so good
Nano has a cheat sheet at the bottom of the screen at all times
Being “the goat” or “goated” is good. No clue as to the etymology though.
There are in fact many questions asked, and any doctor can refuse for any reason.
If you put the fan right in the window, it’ll suck the air right back inside around the fan. If you put it farther away the air stream has distance to widen and pull in more air. That way you can get the air stream to “cover” the whole window, Not allowing any to flow back in through that window.
You’ll see this sort of thing in action when firefighters are ventilating a house with fans. They’ll move the fans back until the air stream covers the entire opening it’s aimed at. Any less and the spots the air stream doesn’t hit are gonna have air flowing the wrong way.
A good trick I’ve found is that fans in long hallways are markedly more effective than pretty much anywhere else.
Prilosec presumably