Oh yes, compelling analysis of the court case, hope you publish soon.
Oh yes, compelling analysis of the court case, hope you publish soon.
The genocidal act of checks notes defending your country against a foreign invader.
If only we had an international institution to deal with such claims 🧐.
Ah yes, the perfectly straightline route from lowering conscription age (to an unreasonable 25 years !!!1!1!111) to genocide. No slopes involved.
I hear you, but a usb-c has more uses than one, the only real problem with a dongle is now is that occasionally you need to charge.
Careful, might slip down that slope.
But like, 3.5 to usbc is a 10 buck conversion. Tbh i see merit in double usb c over usbc and headphone jack, might be more doable too, the DAC prolly takes more space than an additional usbc
Fair enough on the multi users front, didn’t consider that.
That said, this does look like a great QoL for surgery, theres people with personal portable ultrasound probes in the same price bracket (a much more questionable choice tbh, bringing in personal diagnostic equipment is asking for trouble), can totally see a surgeon buying this for personal use.
And even purchasing for each surgeon is really not a big problem, you have disposable items that cost more sometimes.
You could simply have an OR account, could preload all scheduled notes and bobs your uncle, its also viable as a personal purchase.
Trackers can do so much more than just take time for running. Cadance, ground contact time, recovery, suggestions. My garmin watch has upped my training game considerably. Its a bit like having an online personal trainer.
Fucking love my instinct solar 2
Its okay and does the job, but learning to sharpen on a stone can be done in a spare afternoon with a youtube video and a 5 dollar diamond stone from ali. Your knives will thank you.
The 2 big problems with pull sharpeners is that they sharpen parallel to the blade, making the knife edge more brittle and they deepen defects in the blade, so if there are even tiny dents in the edge, the pull sharpeners will make them larger over time.
Etiquette is one of the things that really annoys-to-infuriates me. Especially if someone gets offended over me not following it. I just can’t be bothered thinking about arbitrary rules without any good merit behind them.
Now I am not talking common sense things where a behaviour might normally be considered offensive, but things like “ a man is supposed to verbally greet a woman first, while a handshake should be initiated by the woman if she wishes”.
Ive actually had this exact exchange with a superior (by standing, I wasnt actually working with/under them at the time):
Me: quietly walking past a superior about 2h after I have areived at work
Them, visibly and audibly annoyed: So I guess you dont greet people?
I just said good morning and said I don’t really keep track of who I have already met that day. But like come on, where is the disrespect if not projected from your own head?
I also hate the custom of wishing someone a good meal / good appetite. Like if it is 1x when everyone sits down, whatever, ill begrudgingly follow, but I cant be bothered to do it at work every 2 mins when someone new walks into the kitchen.
Our childrens hospital (besides the ICU that uses a phillips solution on windows, which integrates with the monitoring and anesthesia equipment) runs linux, however they do this in a virtual environment on windows, the reasoning I am not sure about, potentially to sandbox the electronic system they are using.
Its almost exclusively to do with the software they need, it often wont run on linux or will have limited support.
A different perspective,seen in buddhism and similar worldviews, is that the only “you” that exists is the consciousness experiencing reality at any given moment.
Nah mate, while there’s plenty of bullshit in the audiophile community, do not underestimate the difference headphones make.
Theres too much the average cheapo headphones get wrong, theres instruments you would never have noticed in songs because the headphones just lacked that resolution. The spatiality of the audio too, its not just on your ears or in your skull. The difference after you try decent headphones is night and day. You quickly run into exponentially diminishing returns, but the first decent headphones you try are a pretty big leap.
Its already a feat to make a good wired at that price point, but theres at least good contenders in this price bracket, you could easily get your forever headphones in this category for wired. Especially if you are not an audiophile
Theres no way you squeeze enough value out of 20 bucks to make a good wireless can. You need good drivers, good build for the headphones (well engineered driver housing and even the earpads and screens above the driver matter a lot), you need to tune them right, you need to have a passable BT receiver, a passable DAC, a passable AMP. On top of it you need to have a battery and probably some circuit to control it all.
For wired cans at least you don’t need to ram all the electronics in, you only have the first three hurdles and some wired cans in this pricerange are shockingly good. While for wireless you start running out of your 20 bucks just assembling the electronics.
A lot of other things in the audiophile world? Yea, I agree, a lot of it is not going to register to most people, especially now that sound output on most devices is good enough where you don’t really need a dedicated audio stack, if your headphones can be driven by the output.
But if you pit me in a pepsi challange vs 20 buck wireless phones even vs my daily drivers (or something else, decent, from the sub 35 buck bracket), let alone my at-home cans (or, basically, anything from the 200 buck wired bucket), ill take that bet any day of the week and even for random people I bet they could easily tell the difference if you just let them blind A/B test on just a few songs even if like short samples.
Heavy x to doubt, passable wireless start at 100ish and 20-30 bucks of wired smash them out of the water.
If you seriously think your 20 buck wireless are as good as a decent pair of wired, I have to assume you have never had a set of decent wired headphones. Either that or you have found a very interesting unicorn.
Just buy wired cans and either a bluetooth DAC, like a FiiO Btr, or a usbc - 3.5 dongle (the apple one is like 10 bucks and a great quality).
Battlerite and OmegaStrikers
Kind of like that, I got into them as they were thriving, since it was on beta/release, but they died very quickly afterwards and it is a shame because nothing captures that feel for me, I like short burst competitive games like that, but I guess people generally aren’t into stuff like that.
E: And actually one more like that, the goatest of them all tbh, just been so long that i forgot about it, but this is one that is an awesome idea for anyone looking for some fun friend group comp game:
This last one is a damn shame, because there really is nothing like it.