Is a nice site if you want to expand into Nordic/Swedish books in your collection
I know, I’ve even heard of pages missing from paperbacks published by reputable print houses here in sweden
I like the ringantasy over romantasy any day. Sometimes I also read sword-and-sandalsantasy.
+Old man grumbles over the youths word usage+
At least when I grew up in the late 80s and 90s both boys and girls read the books and watched the movies with Pippi.
I agree that Hollywood is a blight on the cultural landscape, and you basically have to disregard their movies if you want to find something deeper than a puddle, with exceptions few and far between
I saw that as parental instinct since protection of young are not gender coded, but you can read it as maternal for sure as a mirror to the Queens hatred after the egg burning
Ellen Ripley’s gender doesn’t matter until Resurrection, which isn’t the highlight of the movie.
A lot of media have strong female characters but their gender or sex does matter for the story so can’t easily be replaced
Susan in the book Soul Music (plus some others) as well as the Witches, Tiffany Achings and more from Pratchett
Death from Sandman (even though the author is very controversial, but you could check the books out from sources that doesn’t give him a kick back)
Was a long time since I read them but the Polgara books feature a strong female protagonist
We got classic youth/kids media that shows strong female characters even if some stuff are coloured by weird takes (Such as Xander Harris): Xena, Buffy and Pippi Longstockings
Good thing to do together while discussion boundaries and safety ;)
Maybe make them white and black as an homage to the old controller Duke or S controllers
I really liked Batman though
The lowering of emotional self-regulation and impulse control on the other hand swings wildly with just a few percents over a population with a much more dangerous extreme on the bell curve
Lifts are the best way to fart, the acoustic canvas are enhanced by the echo heavy acoustic profile given by the enclosed space and it offers an easy “out” for a aroma connoisseur to linger in the space without judgment while at the same time allowing people to leave quickly if they choose to not partake in the sampling by stepping out
Source that there is a Finland?
Settlers2 with the Return to Roots together with RCT2 (OpenRCT) as well as Supreme Commander are still racking up hours of my free time
They did!
Ernst Haeckel said it in 1914
I admit it was quite some time since I last watched it but I remember quite a few B’s in the script
So where do you draw the line? I don’t know where the line would be so I’d rather not ban fan fics at all since I can see why those works I gave example of contributes to both the literary world at large but also as ways to tease imaginations and reading lust in younger or unselfsure readers (English is my second language and I’m not sure if I used to correct term or even a proper word at all in the last sentence)
First we need to determine what fan fiction is, if its using the same world/mythology/characters as a previous work we’d have to toss out American Gods (fan fic of gods in modern setting), Good Omens (fan fic of Christian Apocalypse), the entire Percy Jackson collection, Röde Orm, and the Kalevala just to name some
Edit with a big example:
Der Ring des Nibelungen is a fan fic “musical” written by Wagner of the Nibelungenlied
Thanks anyway!
Just don’t use ordinary shrink tubing, it doesn’t seal properly in the front and may tighten too hard for comfort