You and fifty other people that day.
You and fifty other people that day.
Don’t know. Popular US media is trash. Way, way too much upholding the status quo shit for me to care if you want to trash on it.
To be fair, I’m only seeing the stuff people put in front of me. I know Squid Game has the right idea, but Tower of God is flat out bad.
I don’t have a problem with phone calls and prefer them for urgent matters, but people need to stop with the preamble and reiterations. Asking me if I have time takes as much time as just telling me what you have to say. I already know you don’t really care if I have a moment because you’ll just say what you want regardless of my answer.
I want to have concentration camps less then I want to be invaded by Europe and have my government rebuilt. On a personal level, this government has done me dirty and I owe it nothing.
Nukes aren’t self stable. The brains that it takes to maintain the stock left or died long ago.
I never said that it’s a good way, but every democrat that gets elected does nothing to pull back the overreach of the previous republican.
Please give me a historical example of everything being torn down resulting in a better result.
Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. Guess what those two regimes have in common with the current US government.
If we don’t do something internally, the US government is going to go to war with the good guys.
I don’t see use ever going back to something “normal” without first tearing everything down first. Either from internal or external means. Things have only been getting worse since I’ve been politically aware.
Ever seen the Chinese localization of Tom and Jerry? They voice over everything and add a ton of sound effects so there’s no confusion. Politics aside, who is exactly are they protecting by banning zombies and ghosts. Well, they can have zombies, but not too gory and they can’t call them zombies.
I like Thunderbolt Fantasy, so I should like Pili Fantasy(Taiwan), but it’s way too much soap opera. Thunderbolt is a nice balance between something new and the pacing of a 12 episode anime.
South Korean stuff bothers me. They haven’t become disillusioned capitalism yet, so the subtext misses for me. I can’t tell what the point of Tower of God is. The harem stuff they put out puts Japan to shame.
How rude am I allowed to be to my friends who have facebook accounts? Cause I want to ask them how different it is from Stromfront.
Not gonna happen. Someone in China gave to Trump’s inauguration fund, so nothing’s getting banned.
I’ll keep an eye out for a firefox plugin to change it back.
If they had any that worked, they’d have used them by now.
Not weird when you realize that either the CCP or one of the Chinese companies that are required to have party members on board, “donated” to Trump’s inauguration fund.
If this was a different admin, it was an international agreement and the name change was to refer to the continent, I’d be on board. As it stands, this looks like the sort of BS power play the CCP does with the South China Sea.
FEMA camps after they rebuild them to their liking.
My few experiences with city cops have all been negative. Felt like they were baiting for a confrontation. I don’t really like any cops, but city cops are the worse.
Every accusation is a project. They will turn FEMA into what they’ve been accusing FEMA of.
It would have been nice if my school provided therapists didn’t sabotage my education when it was free.