I’m amazed at all the CCP dick sucking here. It’s like I stumbled into r/Sino
I’m amazed at all the CCP dick sucking here. It’s like I stumbled into r/Sino
No. Those would be the dumbasses who believe in a fairy sky daddy because Christian’s are so used to accepting fantasy as reality without evidence they’re more gullible to everything
I agree with you about the first part but not the second. Not everyone lives in a large city that has warming stations. In my town the few are run by churches you have to participate in to stay and they’re so spread out across the city there’s no way to get to them. Starbucks is right downtown
A lot of places don’t just have cafés. Starbucks is about the only place in town with WiFi and a place to hang out
By your comments you probably think it’s okay to take kids to church or have faith in a magic sky daddy. These are much more harmful and fake things
The local shops all close early. I don’t even drink coffee. I just want a place to work with WiFi. I usually buy a snack and drink.
It’s a combination of things, but the main part is summed up here :
Yet criticizing Christianity is still against the TOS as hate speech, even when they’re saying atheists should be killed
By this logic they should ban all religious speech from every platform
We don’t have a social contract. It’s everyone for themselves.
And Reddit
I’ve always seen people say and post this. The fact checking was selectively enforced. Better to have none than a half assed attempt
I had a heart attack in 2021
I sat in the waiting room so long I had actually called for a ride to leave and then someone decided to look at my blood test
Troponin level was 280 for any medical people (should be under 7)
He and Janet Reno set personal freedom back more than any other president and paved the way for the Patriot Act
Even if they proved it was him it doesn’t matter. When OJ was acquitted, Jurors admitted they did it as a fuck you to the LAPD and justice system.
The biggest problem is them doing illegal shit like scanning all your photos instead of just what you pick
Bourgeoisie is the middle class though. Not the rich
Wow, downvoted for using the definition of a word smh
I’m not aware of any such thing. In fact, I’d say that makes you more qualified.
I also think it’s bullshit to call Jan 6th an insurrection. I want a guillotine on the Capitol steps and actually armed people going against the police. Not for the reasons they did, just in general.
It’s not even about being underfunded. It’s about forcing all students into public school when they aren’t all on the same level when it comes to intelligence or capability to learn, much less their home support system.
The schools that spend the least per student have the best scores
He’s just as complacent in the oligarchical society we currently have as anyone.