Nah. Your definition of a Nazi is just anyone right of Mao. This place seems to be where the tankies went after getting banned from Reddit for encouraging violence toward people who don’t want to slob on government’s massive boot.
Nah. Your definition of a Nazi is just anyone right of Mao. This place seems to be where the tankies went after getting banned from Reddit for encouraging violence toward people who don’t want to slob on government’s massive boot.
May as well give up on these people, they aren’t capable of nuance.
The funniest part to me though is they’re saying all these wild things about how Christians feel about gay people yet I rarely experience it myself. But daaaaamn the moment I mention I’m also a Christian they full-on seethe.
It’s bigotry and they’ve fully embraced it.
Southern Florida, Christian church. The only time I’ve encountered anyone like what your describing has been at pride parades, ironically.
I believe you’re greatly over-exaggerating their existence because you hate all religious people and are trying to convince yourself you’re not a bigot when you obviously are.
The majority of people on Earth are religious. You’ll find “replacing” their beliefs to be impossible. Perhaps you should consider being more tolerant instead of living in a hateful fantasy world.
No, this is all you projecting your persecution fetish onto people you most likely never interact with. Pretty bigoted take honestly.
The very opposite is in fact true. I’m gay and go to a Christian church, they speak of love and acceptance for all. If there are actually any who fit your explanation they’re an incredibly small minority that actual Christians disagree with.
He was also the first president to come into office already supporting gay marriage.