It’s the new 2/3 compromise.
I never really paid attention to the level gain ratio. I’d look here for that kind of question.
That’s an easy one - no. You can look back to various periods during middle ages Europe for examples. An even stronger one would be China from about 400 CE-800 CE
Of course, those weren’t capitalist economies - but they were economies. Capitalism’s instability is what requires constant growth to maintain. The better (and harder) questions would be what to transition to that avoids the issues of feudalism and how to transition with a minimum of societal upheaval (violence and death).
Since people are posting games, I’ll throw in Realms of Despair
Not tipping only punishes the victim, not the employer.
Not everyone that disagrees with a law is in a position to immediately change it.
Because it’s a shit job with minimal pay, physically demanding, and the hours are usually cut in the off-season.
The cost-of living crisis is so bleak that some Gen Zers
genuinely fear becomingare homeless
That would be silly when they have last year’s sales numbers to go off of.
As your linked site points out, they rated that way based on a bias toward veganism. Since fluoride is not animal based, that doesn’t have any bearing on this particular topic.
If you had bothered to watch the videos, you’d have noticed that they cite and link the primary source research studies they refer to. The position they take is also rather nuanced - not “fluoride bad” but “There is not insignificant but not overwhelming evidence that fluoride intake should be reduced during pregnancy”
You’re meant to wonder that - it’s part of an intentional narrative. How is it possible? Because police don’t arrest everyone they detain. For one documented example of this, look to the Cop City protests in Atlanta:
(Sorry about the paywall, so quoting below):
There’s a certain irony, then, that in statements on Sunday’s arrests, Atlanta police officials have made a point of blaming “outside agitators” for taking up militant action. Out of 44 people originally detained in Sunday’s forest raid, the 11 people released without charge all had Atlanta addresses. Twenty-one of the 23 activists charged with domestic terrorism are from out of state.
No problem. Depending on your time/money balance, the recipes should work just as well starting with a commercial soy or almond plain yogurt base. I’d avoid coconut milk based yogurts, since the coconut flavor tends to carry through to the yogurt and presumably to the cheese as well.
Have I got a book for you - Artisan Vegan Cheese
“Pressed” tofu usually refers to firm or extra firm tofu that is then put under much higher pressure to expel not only more water but also most of the air, and has a completely different texture.
Usually using something like this
They’re not mutually exclusive. For those too lazy to follow the link - traditional mapo tofu (like many Chinese tofu recipes) isn’t vegetarian . Tofu as a total replacement for meat is a Western idea - in most Eastern cultures that use it, tofu is just another ingredient and often used along with meat and animal based broths. The same is true of soy milk.
You’re straw manning their argument. They aren’t comparing the oppression of LGBTQIA+ folk to the oppression of cheese. The comparison is to the oppression of animals - who most definitely are being dragged behind the truck.
You can, and probably would, make the argument that animals don’t deserve the same level of moral consideration as LGBTQIA+ humans, but the vegan argument is that non-human animals experience pain and suffering and deserve the same right to life and non-exploitation for the same reason that any human (LGBTQIA+ or not) does.
In addition to the above, there’s also the use of animal rennet made from calf stomach linings
Why are we posting corporate advertising in News now?