Ask yourself how many people are successfully selling their products and services on Lemmy, for example
I’m still stuck on asking how many people are successfully selling their products and services on TikTok.
Like, what businesses are these and what are they selling? I wouldn’t imagine any of these social media platforms would be good for selling anything on. What’s an example of something I could go on TikTok and buy? I couldn’t imagine buying anything on any social media platform. I’ve never even seen anyone selling anything on any social media platform. How would I even do that if I wanted to?
Mazda has the same pop up issue. Luckily online you can flash a program to a USB stick that lets you pick and choose infotainment hacks to apply to your car, that pop up, and the restrictions on using the touch screen when moving along them, and then you just plug it into the car and it auto applies.